  • My Own Volition

    Everyone’s so keen on giving their opinion
    When did it come to be I wasn’t living out of my own volition
    To ground when needed
    To explore when convenient
    I measure up to no one & not where I’m supposed to be
    I’m living life at a pace comfortable for me

    But sometimes we need a push or more so persuasion
    Perhaps it’s my stubbornness
    But if I wanted to be farther ahead
    My soul would’ve acknowledged submission
    Needing to hit the mark right from the start
    Perhaps it’s my perfectionism
    Regardless of the decision to stay or any attempts for challenges I face
    I try as I might & try is enough
    For when I succeed I know it’s because the weakest parts did not give up

    All else left to a biased perception
    But there’s no one better when it comes to my self reflection
    Matter of fact add criticism & progression
    The only thing I’m in competition with is my inner demons

    Not a requirement for one to stay
    But my story, my voice will be heard
    Not being rushed for the time I take
    Nothing left to interpretation
    Nothing left to be dismayed

    In another timeline it’s already set in stone
    Now in this current dimension my person has to find which way to go

    It’s through these setbacks & challenges
    I’m reminded why I’ve been given this life
    To live, to breath, to try as I might
    No matter when or how long it takes
    It’s only allowed for me to decide

    Jiselle Marquez

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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