  • Dear Baby

    Dear self
    34 years. For many years you questioned if today was safe to come home. For every year only thing that changed was the bottle you held on too. For every night you spent fighting the demon. For every mornings you faked it till you made it. For every second you prayed for a home. For every minute you just wanted your bed. For every hour you had another refilled. The end of 2023 you lost control. So what makes this year special?! You finally took accountability. All though this year still has a lot to go. This year you regain touch to reality. This year you gain strength to stand up for that little girl. This year you finally saved her. This year you make 5 years since you gave her a home. This year just remind yourself you been through worst, so there’s nothing too big or to small you can’t overcome. This year you bring peace and that alone will give your life meaning. This year is just part of your healing. This year is yours Baby!

    Rosemarie Quinones

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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