  • note to self:

    I think a question that a lot of us ask in the post break-up mess is

    Why do they get to move on so quickly when they hurt me? Why is it so easy for them to find someone new as if nothing even happened?

    I’ve realized that the answer is present inside the question.


    You were the one left traumatized by their action or inaction. Their manipulation and abuse. You are the one left with the healing to do and the pieces to put back together again.

    To them, the new girl is just another caught in their path. They’re not moving on, they’re just moving along toward the next source of energy they can drain. The next pretty thing that can make them feel okay bc looking for external validation is always easier for the unhealed, uncaring, and unbothered than just taking time to look inside. They don’t care, and they never will, until the day comes where she gives him that stare.

    Manipulation and codependency are not on your registry. They’re not a part of your energy and are far off your radar. It’s not taking you “too long” to move on. You’ve been drug through the depth of hell and have clawed your way back out tooth and nail. So why wouldn’t you take precarious caution and detailed attention into your next ‘mate’?

    They’re just moving on to the next,
    we are building our future.
    We are laying down our foundations to success & prosperity in all fields.

    Anything that doesn’t bring us peace
    Is a liability that we cannot afford
    because we’ve already gambled away too much of our time, too much of our spirit, and too much of our love to only end here.
    We are looking for partners and plans.
    (…and the occasional one night stand bc we’re all human here 😉)

    But we don’t dare waste our time with another who only intends to use us to fill the voids they refuse to heal themselves. We heal ourselves so we never become them and never put anyone else through what they put us though. We are walking illustrations of selflessness, patience, and unconditional love.

    Deep down inside, we know this time is meant to love ourselves unconditionally. So when the right one comes along, their love will only add to the self-love that’s already strong inside of us. It won’t need to complete us, because we are complete on one own. We aren’t 1/2, we are the whole and we are all the better for it too.

    So my love,
    Please know that true love
    Genuine love
    Healthy love
    Is already abundant inside of you
    And when the time is just right,
    He’ll come along and add his share too. <3


    Voting starts June 17, 2024 12:00am

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