  • chickarina submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write about a time you didn’t give upWrite about a time you didn’t give up 2 months, 1 weeks ago

     Down to My Core

    Life does not end when you’re down to your core,
    We hold the choice to grow from the seeds within us.
    Like an apple, its life may seem over once picked.
    However, the seeds in the apple’s core could be the start of a new life if done correctly.
    When life feels like it reached the core and you’re down to just the last few seeds; we then hold the choice to plant the seeds and try again. Except this time, we are choosing where we will plant those seeds.
    Will we put our energy into repeating patterns and behaviors that got us to that dark hole or will we put the energy into planting ourselves with healthy habits while having patience with ourselves in order to become who we were always meant to be?
    A grounded human, spreading our fruits with love and light, despite the past bitterness, heartbreak, and disappointment.
    What we do with the seed’s life gives us will impact our future and it will also be the start of breaking generational toxic cycles.
    Your future self and children will thank you for not giving up and becoming a rotten apple that stayed where it fell until life ended.
    It is up to us to rise after that heartbreak and disappointment we feel.
    Flourishing seeds spread light and guidance for others who are lost in finding their safe and solid soil to plant those seeds when they are down to their core. Be different, be a flourishing seed.    

    Chickarina Rodriguez

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends June 17, 2024 11:59pm

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    • Chickarina, this piece is so unique and creative. I love how it is to visualize an apple at its core and then the idea of planting the seeds to grow into something new. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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