  • poetryveguez submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What is your ”perfect day?”What is your ”perfect day?” 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    The Guilty Pleasures of Womanhood

    I wish I could wake up in the morning
    To a house that’s prepped and made
    No dishes or mess to clean up
    The laundry is folded and put away

    I wish that I was understood
    That my efforts were noticed
    And in return the context clues I love to scatter
    Get swept up by loved ones
    Offering to return the favor

    I wish that I could walk the streets late at night
    No mace or pepper spray in my line of sight
    My keys are meant to unlock my door
    Not clenched between my knuckles
    Waiting to be bore

    I wish that I could shake the hands
    Of each passerby I encounter
    Grinning widely from cheek to cheek
    Exchanging pleasantries and
    our hopes for the future
    Morals aligning and feeling at ease
    Knowing many people feel the same as me

    I wish I had one perfect day
    To rest and partake in hobbies
    No work to stress
    Just reading my favorite books in hotel lobbies
    I would sing and dance and play in the rain
    No anger left, no unresolved pain

    Because womanhood is often a burden
    That at times feels like a tyrant warden
    Patiently waiting until my time is served
    And knowing my aptitude is mildly absurd
    But I often hope for the little things
    Because to me they feel like extraordinary wins
    And when this mindless duty is fulfilled
    My perfect day will be without guilt

    Poetry Veguez-Chang

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    • this is wonderfully done! very clever to use the prompt to discuss the struggles of being a woman

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    • Your words resonate deeply, Vequez. Your wishes for a peaceful and carefree day, where burdens are lifted and joys are embraced, are shared by many. May your dreams of understanding, safety, and simple pleasures become a reality. Your vulnerability and hopefulness are truly inspiring. Keep holding onto those little moments of joy, for they bring light to the darkest of days.

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