  • algonzalez submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    My Dearest Love

    My love;
    I’m sorry for never seeing you
    For constantly gas lighting.
    Every time you tried to speak;
    I silenced you like suppression.
    You cried while I turned my back
    I couldn’t even stand to see your reflection.
    “LOOK AT ME!”
    With salt stained cheeks and blood shot eyes
    I finally see that its been you,
    Staring back at me.
    This beautiful, kind hearted piece of art;
    Your strip wrapped breast & thighs, your tattoos
    Tell me stories of your journey thus far.
    Your mind is magnificently filled with knowledge; to mend the wounded.
    I’m excited to finally fall completely in love with you
    After all these foolish, wasteful, distasteful years.
    Always yours; Forever mine

    Antoinette Lucila

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Being excited to fall in love with yourself is such a warm feeling! I really relate to this story and loved the words you used to describe the scene. I love the way you moved from apologizing/ feeling sorry to feeling excited about the beauty within it 🙂

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    • Omg this is awesome. And the picture matches your story so well. I am so glad you have come to love yourself. You are so easy to love and there are so many reasons to love you. You definitely have a kind heart and are so smart! Keep loving you. You deserve it! <3 Lauren

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