  • tirasm submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What are your goals for the new year?What are your goals for the new year? 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    Beginning This Journey

    My only major goal for this year: be my most authentic self. I am embarking on a journey of self-discovery. To accomplish this goal, I have set minor goals such as taking sewing classes, going to the gym, learning aerial silks, and so on. I’ve come to understand that experience is indeed the best educator. Last year, I went ziplining for the first time. Having a fear of heights, I was not expecting to enjoy it. I let everyone go before me until I had no other choice. My terror quickly turned into excitement as I went speeding down the line. Sideways, upside down, spinning in circles, and posing for pictures, I found another piece of my puzzle. I realized how much life I had not lived. The last five years of my twenties will be dedicated to unlocking parts of myself. Letting myself be free. That is what I am most excited about.

    Tiara Smith

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    • Aww Tiara, I love this. Don’t let fear hold you back from the fun and excitement in life. Zip-lining sounds amazing! And it sounds like you had an incredible time. You won’t regret the things you try (even if you don’t like it). But you might regret not trying something at all. Cheers to your 2024 adventures and beyond. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3Lauren

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