  • aisatheauthor submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about what you are grateful for in your lifeWrite a poem about what you are grateful for in your life 4 months, 3 weeks ago

    A Thankless Act

    A Thankless Act

    I contemplate—
    in a grateful state—
    where to give thanks.

    And it’s not long before
    little me
    is all I can hear and see.

    Bursting with glee,
    she decrees:

    Wendy and Peter Pan,
    those who lend a helping hand,
    those not afraid
    to take a stand.

    Pen in hand,
    is where I land—
    filled with child-liked wonder,
    and free of fears I’ve shunned her.

    A poem—
    this poem—

    slowly begins to take its form.
    Its words are ones of warmth
    that lull her,
    hug her—
    keep her safe from all-the-world’s thunder.

    And it’s reading
    better than planned.

    But in truth,
    I’m grateful for it all—
    the planned and unplanned.

    For every version of me
    I’ve met firsthand.

    Me when I’m mad,
    but what I really am is sad.
    Me when I’m glad
    that someone tried to understand

    rather than write me off
    as “bad.”

    The ability to feel—
    a chance to heal
    and give to myself
    the gift of being real.


    for the voice inside my head—
    the one I used to dread.

    Oh, we’d go head-to-head.
    And if you asked my heart
    to tell you the worst part,

    it’d say
    that there was nowhere to hide.

    Hard to believe that nowadays,
    that voice is on my side.
    So, I’m happy-er inside.

    Because grateful is what I am
    for the will to survive,
    and come alive
    that it’s instilled in ‘we’.

    it supports the best version of me—
    wants for me to get ahead,
    does things like remind me when it’s time for bed.

    Swoops in on a rope
    when I’m short on hope,
    when I’m hanging by a thread.

    But most of all…

    what I’m most grateful for…
    is every decision
    I can call mine—
    those made by me
    and me

    The ones I own.

    For to them,
    I owe this home—
    the home
    that is

    The only place I’m truly, finally


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    • Wow! Aisa, you have some serious writing talent. This is well said and creatively written. You are clearly stepping into your power and letting the whole world know. You are an absolute STAR! Keep shining! Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. I love reading the responses you wrote to other unsealers. You are a gem! <3 Lauren

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    • Dear Aisa,
      Your words show a strong person that kniws what is important in life. Good luck in your future!


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