  • A Toast

    A toast to the ones
    Who attempted to crush my
    Heart of diamonds.

    A toast to the one
    Who left me hanging without
    A single answer.

    A toast to the one
    Who made me cry for sharing
    A giggle or two.

    A toast to the one
    Who told me to know my place
    And left me to drown.

    A toast to the one
    Who put their reputation
    Before a best friend.

    A toast to the one
    Who loved me up to a point
    And not forever.

    A toast to the ones
    Who’ve made me the toughest gem
    Here on Planet Earth.

    Catherine Burford

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    • @autistkitty Your writing NEVER disappoints. This is so powerful. I can feel you rising above in this piece. You are so strong and confident. I admire you so much! Thank you for sharing this gem! And thank you for being part of The Unsealed. <3 Lauren

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