Thursday, March 2nd

7:45pm - 8:45pm

Unsealed Conversations – Olympian Reggie Jagers III

An Unsealed Conversation with Reggie Jagers III

Join us on Wednesday, December 4th, at 7:30 PM Eastern Time, as members of The Unsealed chat about their favorite quote or motto and how it inspires them. 

Reggie Jagers III

Reggie Jagers III competed in the Olympics in Tokyo in Discus. Now,  he is once again representing our country - not as an athlete but as a soldier. Join us Thursday (3/2) at 7:45pm Eastern Time as Reggie chats with The Unsealed community about how he went from the Olympics to the military.

In the meantime, read two letters Reggie posted on The Unsealed:

Dad, Here is what I never got the chance to tell you

Dad, This is how you've become an important part of my Olympic journey

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Thursday, March 2nd

7:45pm - 8:45pm

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