
wishfulwriter75's Letters


Strength Gained

Yearning for the Best

Growing up I had low confidence in myself
But after my teen years my mother kept reminding me that I have conquered so much
While some people find their power and love in money, I learned that I wasn’t satisfied with wealth
Compared to giving love to others, and living without a constant rush

Why does this make me s…read more

Goals for 2023

As I look ahead to 2023,
I think about the person I will be.
Although I am already a wife, a sister, and a daughter,
I want to make life a little rawer.
It often seems I am living for myself,
But I want to stop and ask; what about everyone else?
In a world that’s filled with sicknesses and with crime,
I fully aim to be the light!

I want to be the…read more

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