

  • virginiablue submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    A Dream That Saved Me

    Pretty little girl,
    Pretty little girl,
    Don’t you cry.
    I dreamed that one day,
    You’ll hold your head up high
    So your wings can fly.
    I know you wish upon a star at night,
    to free your soul inside.
    Your dreams let you escape from the reality you must face.
    Don’t let them tell you your fate.
    You must be courageous.
    So sit up straight,
    Hold your head high
    Release your beauty that’s burrowed inside.
    No more tears shall run down your face,
    You’ve faced worse in life,
    So live your life,
    Live for today.

    Virginia Blue Powell

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    • Virginia, your heartfelt poem inspires strength and resilience. Embrace your dreams, hold your head high, and let your inner beauty shine. Live each day with courage and let no one define your fate.

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    • This is sad and sweet and inspiring. Keep pursuing your joy. You deserve happiness. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3Lauren

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