

  • Dear, Self.

    Dear self,
    I’m sorry that it took so long for me to finally realize that I didn’t need to find love in anybody else, but I needed to find love within myself.
    I had to sit down and ask myself, How can I even love others if I can’t even love myself?
    It took me so long to love every single part of me without anybody’s help except for my own.
    I had to take a break and step into a season of selfishness, learning how to love every curve and aspect of me.
    And it took some time and patience throughout that season to come to the conclusion that I am beautiful and that I am more than enough. I am
    What others try to say is that I am not, and that is strong.
    I love that no matter how much I go through, I continue to keep pushing, even though I want to throw in the towel and just quit.
    During this season of isolation, I found that every curve and inch of my body is more than beautiful; it’s unique. Even after giving birth to my daughter, I look in the mirror each day and say to myself, “It was worth the sacrifice.” It was worth the stretch marks, and it was worth the pain. I also learned that self-love is the best love. I realized that I can love myself in a way that nobody else can, and that only I can understand me in a way that nobody else can. Insecurities may try to come, but they always teach me how to love myself even more each time. No matter what, I will always love my acne, my weight, my hair, and more. And I will continue to always tell myself, “You’re more than enough,” and you don’t have to change for anyone, not even a man. If a man loves you, he will love you for who you are and as you are.
    So stay confident, stay humble, and stay beautiful.

    Sincerely, Self.

    Venessa M Morales.

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    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Venessa, this is amazing. I love this line. “I had to take a break and step into a season of selfishness, learning how to love every curve and aspect of me.
      And it took some time and patience throughout that season to come to the conclusion that I am beautiful and that I am more than enough. I am”

      You are beautiful. You are enough. You are more…read more

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