
spikeyda's Letters

Play: "Panic Attacks in Paradise" by Ashnikko

Hey 30-year-old babe,
So…. how’ve you been? How’s your Mother? How’s your Brother? Have you traveled more? Did you graduate alright? Did you give in and go to grad school? Was the business degree worth it? Who am I kidding, of course it wasn’t.
Now that we’ve gotten the formalities out of the way… Still intellectualizing those feelings? Sti…read more


She alone with have the strength

Hey World,

I’d like to tell you all a fairytale. I would like to fantasize because, to be honest, most letters I try to write to myself end up sounding like eulogies. Even the optimistic ones. So, here. goes:

Once upon a time… there was a very young girl, 10 or so. She was very fierce and quite odd. She had this way of being that no one else cou…read more

I need $15,000 to get through 2023..

I understand I’ll never make it anyway, but I want to try..

I keep seeing myself as an adult, but then there’s yet another setback or jarring noise
to claw me back, to make me cry..

A woman froze to death in her car?..

How am I to survive when even a glimmer of hope is so far?..

A husk was all that left my second quarantine of the yea…read more

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