
solapeaf's Letters

To younger me in any capacity,

To younger me in any capacity,

Let this act as a notice to you.

And a reminder to read your writes regularly.
Everything you say or do, can and will be held against you.

But like…In a good way though.
In a way that I mean everything you say or do that is genuine will be held against you so tightly
that sometimes it will be the only thing you can h…

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Solape Afolabi

To younger me in any capacity

To younger me in any capacity,

Let this act as a notice to you.

And a reminder to read your writes regularly.
Everything you say or do, can and will be held against you.

But like…In a good way though.
In a way that I mean everything you say or do that is genuine will be held against you so tightly
that sometimes it will be the only t…read more

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