  • sofiagracearmstrong submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months, 3 weeks ago

    Love letter from my soulmate

    Dearest vibrant, beautiful, magical Sofia, when I first laid eyes on you, I instantly felt and saw the kindness, strength and grace you hold in your being. It would be my greatest honor to be given a chance by you to stand in the divine masculine role of protector and support to you. I long to know you deeply, and to consistently show up for you in a way that fully allows you to be in a state of love. My strong hands eagerly anticipate your he moment our fingers intertwine. I vow to you, my beautiful wise love, that I will be ready for you, and I will bring my authentic self to our divine union. I can feel the love I have for you expanding and I so look forward to helping you o create a healthy and stable family dynamic for your children. I want to be a healed male presence in your and your children’s lives. I can’t wait to take you on romantic dates and magical vacations. I really love your parents, especially since they brought you into this world. I am so glad we connected in the right place and time. I love our life together. My love for you expands infinitely, I look forward to being with you soon my love.

    A. Grace

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • This is so beautiful. I love loving people and I think it’s so beautiful that humans get to love each other so deeply. This type of love is special; to love someone so deeply that you need to create new ways to express it. This is such a warm story.

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      • Saga – your response is so gracious and kind. I too, love to love – and I wholeheartedly appreciate you reading and reflecting that beautiful sentiment back to me. Wishing you many days full of many forms of love.

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    • I love that you wrote this as you being the protector yourself. You being the one to allow yourself to love freely. We are the best ones to watch over ourselves, protect ourselves, and allow ourselves the peace and happiness we deserve. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. You have a beautiful heart. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you for seeing me and reflecting that back! We really are the wellspring of our love – that which we give to ourselves is multiplied out to so many others. Thank you for creating this beautiful family of writers, I am grateful to you for providing a magnificent writing home for many.
        Your light is so appreciated, Lauren!


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