  • shianajasmine submitted a contest entry to Group logo of How are you changing the world?How are you changing the world? 9 months, 2 weeks ago

    The Sky Has No Limit

    The phoenix rose like ashes from the grave
    A burning desire flying high.

    That It wasn’t just trying to get by,

    It was
    ‘The sky.

    And way up high it went where it left the past behind and began a new journey through nothing else but clothed in the flames of the light.

    Its spirit ran high like doves in the sky.
    Singing made it feel more alive,
    looking up made more sense than looking down, so up it went higher and higher..

    Until one day it experienced the change.

    The endless rage has finally slipped away.

    Letting go is scary but so serene.

    The unhealthy patterns leave no control
    by any means.

    Believe in the sky but believe in no limit,
    for we are the universe embracing the spirit.

    1:11 on the clock
    trust your intuition and embrace the change.

    There are levels to realizing your soul,
    To break free and go into the unknown.

    Once you spread those wings and fly,
    You will feel the fire arise.

    In every breathe in every movement,
    Set an intention to walk with a power so divine
    That NOBODY can harm your light.

    In the embers there was a glow of fiery red,
    That took flight through the night.

    Once you spread your wings so wide,
    No one can dim your light.

    It takes time to be reborn,
    To fly free from your cage,
    But trust You will find a way,
    To embrace the dawn for a brand new day.

    There are infinite cycles of life and death,
    If you fall, you will always start again.
    With a dance of destiny, and a timeless quest,
    To rise again, and break the soul free of limits that are put in our way, and give us a chance to inspire.
    From the depths of fear and despair,
    You ascend deeper into strength and grace.

    As your spirit ascends, you transcend with resilience born and trials you have faced,
    It is your testament of beauty and grace.

    It radiates blue, in the hue, its feathers blaze,
    A tapestry woven, in a dazzling maze.
    Each plume has a story, a chapter to unfold,
    The mystery happens once in a lifetime,
    and being brave enough,to overcome.

    The phoenix rises through the galaxy skies,
    A living marvel that never dies, signing lullabies all through the night.
    Where the passion ignites in its fiery heart.

    And through these trials,
    it finds its way,
    it finds its power.
    A force so strong as a flaming flower,
    And as it sours it whispers a truth:
    Life emerges from the ashes anew.

    So let us not just learn from the phoenix’s power,
    But embrace it with every inch of our soul.
    Embrace our shadows, for from the ashes,
    We too shall rise, with strength and love,
    Our spirits will fly high.

    Shiana Jasmine

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends July 31, 2024 12:00am

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    • Aww shiana, This is very sweet. This is my favorite line, “Once you spread those wings and fly,
      You will feel the fire arise.” So powerful. And so true. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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    • You are the grand phoenix Shiana, you fought mercifully to retain your rising but also allowed change to bring peace. Thank you for sharing this amazing piece of change, strength, and light. What is next for you? How will you rise above and make the next change even more impactful? 🙂

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