  • shianajasmine submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your BodyWrite a letter or poem to your Body 9 months, 3 weeks ago

    To My Body That Shines In The Dark

    Used abused and cut through,
    The story of the body is beyond words.
    Growing and evolving to its highest
    Always flowing through the moment.
    Left with an ugly rip in the gut,
    From never getting enough.
    Until the very last breath/

    falling in and out of touch with the truth.
    My body hurts
    My body loves
    My body is enough’
    To my body..
    I love you but i hate you
    Why did you think of what could’ve never been..
    You rose from the grave with lotus petals touching your face , ALL TO JUST STAY THE SAME?..

    This was never your destiny, to be gone in a day.
    How things can change,
    One day you wake up and things are not the same.
    Your a masterpiece, with cuts in your veins
    Building a structure of novocaine.

    How can things ever be the SAME?

    If only we Knew what the future held…
    But after a hurricane there does come a rainbow,
    Thats so bright even the night didn’t know how to shine its own light. Beaten and cut loose…

    YOU have always been the one that got me through.

    My body, your body..

    It was all just the same…

    Listening to a thought that pierces your own brain.

    That you’re not good enough, a question that resurfaces from the dust…

    But you will always be the one that shines the way..

    Or the thing that gets in my way..
    Of making a change..
    Or so I say..
    But the truth lies deeper than just the surface..

    Shiana Jasmine

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    • Shiana – I love this line, “But you will always be the one that shines the way..” Lean into this idea: “But you will always be the one that shines the way..” Your body is always the one to shine through – to be strong – to keep going. You are thoughtful, fierce, and powerful. Never forget that. Thank you for sharing! < 3 Lauren

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