  • shelle-belle submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your teenage selfWrite a letter to your teenage self 1 years, 1 months ago

    Shelle Belle

    Dearest Shelle Belle,
    I don’t know why you are so hard on yourself. You’re learning and moving forward making the best of each new day. It’s 1993 and you have entered into the next stages of your life. Your music selection is a wide variety of artists, which speaks volumes of who you are. As you walk down the graffiti tagged streets of Denver you hold your head high even though the environment around you feels unsafe and scary, you keep pushing forward with your dreams. These streets will never break you. You have so much to accomplish. Follow your dreams. Be your own hero. Keep moving forward. They tried to dim your light when they assaulted you, but you pushed through. You never gave in. You never gave up, and for that my friend you grew into the beautiful and amazing you. A young mom at 16, just a baby yourself. You continued to grow. I’m proud of you.
    For motherhood is tough enough even when one is ready. You took it on. Life stops for no one. Each day a new adventure. Smile, but also honor the tears that you shed when you feel lost in your head. There is clarity ahead. You just have to believe.

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    • Loved this!! My favorite line is “these streets will never break you” I felt that with everything in Me. It’s tough being around crime and dangerous areas and filled with self doubt. You’re amazing and I wish uou so very well!!

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    • I just wanted to say I understand growing up in a bad neighborhood and the pressure to not follow into the crime scene. Life felt easier to just follow the crowd then to keep your dreams, but I’m glad you were still able to keep dreaming through it all. I liked how you mentioned ” honor the tears you shed,” it’s one of those things we hate doing and feeling, but those times we cry are the ones when growth happens the most. Thank you for sharing.

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      • @miraculous88 I love how you pulled out “honor the tears you shed.” You are right, there is so much power in that idea. I think doing so helps you truly face and persevere through your pain. <3 Lauren

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    • Aww This is so good. A baby at 16 is not easy. You are so strong. You have so many reasons to be proud. I am so grateful you are part of this community. Your teenage self is cheering you on and is proud of you, as am I. <3 Lauren

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    • What an awesome piece I am glad you won.

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    • This is phenomenal; I’m so glad you chose to share it

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    • Shelle, I know I commented already but I am sending you more grace and virtual hugs. Being young while trying to figure out adult and mom life is no easy task. I commend and thank you for being present even on the hardest days you didn’t give up. What’s next? What will you conquer, what would you say to your adult self as a teen? Thank you for sharing! 🙂

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