

  • Dearest Michelle,

    Dearest Michelle,You were born into this world a fighter and that is what you have done for the last 45 years. FIGHT. You have fought through childhood’s traumatic curve balls, and you have continued to push through the many faces, and storms of domestic violence. It is time to rest. It is time to put your dreams of connecting victims of traumatic life events to work. You hold the key to the rest of your life’s beautiful dance. I know it has been scary, but you cannot hide from the world and succeed. It’s time to put one foot in front of the other and gently take the first step. Step into your power, step into your light. You are a survivor. It’s time to shed the shame you have felt for so long, and to fill the gaps of your broken heart with gold. There is no looking back. Only forward. You are helping victims become survivors and giving them a feeling of security by matching them with an animal so that they can heal together. It is good. You are good, life is good. You never give up. You never stopped believing that you would help others heal and now, here you are. You have accomplished everything that many said you couldn’t. They/ He tried to kill your spirit, but you came back even stronger than ever. Because you are a survivor. Life was not over for you when you thought it was. You were given the gift of another day, so breathe in each moment and believe that you have stepped into your purpose. Step into your power, and LIVE.

    Shelle Belle

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    • Yess!!! Michelle! Step into your power. Be proud of who you are and what you have overcome. Be proud of how you help others heal and all the kindness in your heart. You deserve love and peace in your life. Embrace that. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our family. <3 Lauren

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      • I am beyond grateful to have found The Unsealed. It has given me a safe outlet for my deepest emotions. You are so inspiring. I can’t wait to continue this journey 😊

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