

  • Nouns - Unforeseen Strangers

    To the nouns, unforeseen strangers of my life – people, places and things that has profoundly impacted my life positively, thank you!
    As life offers a host of simplicities and complexities, it is certain that it can’t be lived in a linear fashion because it’s to great not to be encountered and explored as a roller coaster of passion.
    So to write a letter or poem to a singular stranger is very difficult to do as the nouns of our daily lives, people who may touch our souls, a discovered place that elevates our hearts and minds and the many splendid things yet to unravel, it’s a safe bet to roll the dice of life, guaranteed to be peppered with spice!

    Melanie Hudson

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    • Melanie, I agree so many people come in and out of our lives, and each offers a different and unique impact. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and for being a part of our family. <3 Lauren

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  • sereneanais submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 11 months ago

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    You Told Me to Smile

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  • punctiliouspiper submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 11 months ago

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    A Letter to the Trolley Man

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  • Guardian Angel

    I spent long hours working overnight at the mall to support myself through school, and when my shift was over the sun was coming up and you were always right there, yet you never uttered a word. It almost felt like you were waiting for me. The same time, same spot, and same bus number every morning I came out. I never knew your name and you never knew mine but anytime we made eye contact, it was an unspoken reassurance that kept us both coming to that mall to work long hours and make sure we got on that same bus on time every morning. Until one day, I got off work just a few minutes later than usual and the morning bus route got a new driver who wasn’t a people person. I had all my school books in my hand. Running to the end of the mall trying to make it to the bus. I had a midterm exam early that morning and don’t ask me how I thought I could study and run to the bus stop at the same time, and make it on the bus, I just did it. I was so overwhelmed from working long hours, studying even longer, and feeling like I’m running in place trying to better my life. I got a few feet away from the door that led right out to the bus stop and I dropped all my books and fell flat on my face. No one saw me from the inside of the mall but I was so humiliated and embarrassed of myself I immediately broke down crying. Picking up my books, wiping my tears, I gave up running at that point and just made my way out the door to where I was surprise to see the bus still sitting there being held up by a woman talking to the driver. Apparently the woman had “lost” her glasses, and needed help to see to get on the bus and finding them in order to get home safely when she departure’s at her stop. That same woman was you. The same woman I saw every morning and got on the bus with after long hours running on the same hamster wheel everyday yet never uttering a word nor did you know my name. Our eyes met and you smiled so big. My tears of defeat immediately became tears of joy. I got on the bus and sat down and ironically you “found” your glasses. They were in your pocket the whole time. The look on the drivers face was one I would never forget. He was so upset but kept his cool out of respect for you and you popped your collar, winked back at me, and made your way to your seat. Only this time, you sat next to me and for the first time you spoke to me and said “Don’t you ever get tired of doing the right thing, God sees you and your time is coming!”. I needed those words that day more than you would ever know and even still today I don’t know your name but I owe you the biggest thank you for watching over me, protecting me, and encouraging me. Those words have been imprinted in my heart and echo in my mind daily. Anytime I feel like giving up or think I’m unworthy, I remember just what you said and all that you did for me. You’d be proud to know that I kept going and now 5 years later, I have accomplished more than I could have ever imagined. Thank you my bus stop Angel.

    Stacee M Wright

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    • Stacee, I am literally crying. This is sooooo good. I love this story, and I am so proud of your hustle. I am glad this stranger had your back and gave you the support and encouragement at the exact moment you needed it most. She is so right, you’re time is coming. And even when it feels like you’re on a hamster wheel, please know that you are…read more

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      • Thank you so much Lauren for your words of encouragement. I was going through soooo much at that time in my life, and someone I didn’t know had so much love for me. Life can make us feel like we’re running in place sometimes but encouragement is so important it’s underrated.

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    • This story brought tears to my eyes and warmed my heart. For so many different reasons. We never really know our guardian angels. They just seem to pop in our lives and leave their mark on our hearts when desperately needed. You are a strong, smart, amazing and all around wonderful lady. Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience with the…read more

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      • Thank you so much Michelle, that means so much to me and you’re right she was definitely a guardian Angel right before me. Thank you so much for your vote ❤️❤️

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    • This is awesome Stacee!!! You just never knows who is watching and I am sure you uplifted her as well. She was there every time and especially afterworking long hours at a job. WOW You and your bus stop Angel were destined to meet in that very moment . I’m thankful that there was also a greetings invloved. You two sparked something inside of…read more

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  • From Stranger to Hero

    Hello stranger,

    We had only just met. But you knew even better than I that the relationship we were about to form was an intimate one. Professional, of course. But oh so close. You had done this before; a seasoned veteran of compassion and skill. My husband and I were new to this. I am sure you could sense it, noticing our tears and voices that cracked with unsureness, even before you received reports from your colleagues.

    I watched as you methodically completed necessary duties. You were swift. You were serious. You were sure. When you were able to look our way, your eyes indicated a smile. The soft side of this calling, no doubt. Your lower face was shrouded in a mask, yet your eyes helped melt away our worry.

    We were allured by your knowledge. Each gloved task was assured and tender. Your voice was soft and sometimes completely quiet, but I never doubted the love either way. Your confidence was definite; a beautiful light we needed in an uncertain time.

    Your hands were not my hands, but the touch was gentle. Your heart was not my heart, but the love was palpable. Your instincts were not my instincts, but they rang true every time.

    Your cape concealed by scrubs, though its presence was a promise. A stranger turned hero in no time at all.

    Our bond was forged in fire. Still, I would like to think that outside of those hospital walls, I would see your pure heart and form a connection, one similar to that created by the nature of our encounter. That’s a tribute to your caring soul.

    You saved our tiny baby. And you saved us too. How on earth could we not feel connected to you? The answer is impossible, because we forever will.

    Our hearts beg for you to know you inspired us to be better: better parents, better friends, better givers in this aching world, and better empaths. You have encouraged us to be better strangers too. For one doesn’t know the wave that comes from the smallest ripple; but it needs to be shouted that your positive impacts were like a vast ocean. Your daily kindness reminded me then to freely give the same to all, and it comtinues to remind me today.

    If we were ever to cross paths, I would embrace you while I spoke my appreciation (most definitely through tears). I would let you know that you changed my heart and my life for good.

    Thank you, NICU nurse.

    With sincerest gratitude and all my love,



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    • Emily, It is in our most vulnerable moments in life that kindness matters so much. I am so glad you had a nurse that cared about you and your baby and I’m more glad that your baby is OK. This is such a beautiful tribute to someone who does their job with both diligence and compassion. I am sure this nurse would be so touched to know that the way…read more

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    • Thank you kindly, Lauren, for your sweet words and understanding the magnitude of appreciation in my (and my family’s) hearts. It is an honor to be here; I appreciate the opportunity and the your platform greatly. -Emily

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  • veraa__novaa submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 11 months ago

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    Union Square stranger

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  • The Ripple Effect

    Dear Stranger,

    Today you walked passed me at the local mall. It was a cloudy, overcast afternoon and you were walking with a friend. I was walking alone. We were headed in two completely different directions. You stopped your conversation with your friend to tell me I looked pretty.

    What was a small gesture of kindness, changed my entire outlook on my day. Which then changed the course of my future.

    Now I know this sounds silly and a bit of a reach, but stranger, your kindness startled me.

    Let me explain…

    I woke up this morning, late to get to my classes. An anxiety-provoked teenager with insomnia and a head full of thoughts… of course, I woke up late. I rushed out the door barely attempting to wipe the smudged mascara beneath my eyelids and threw on my typical black hoodie and my dirty Converses. Of course, I hadn’t done laundry in over a week! I was stressed, can’t you see!?

    I couldn’t make it to my class on time because my car needed gas, and by the time I got gas I was already 30 minutes late– and the class was ending within 15 minutes anyway… there was no point. So I picked up a bacon, egg, and cheese from the local deli (they make delicious ones by the way), and headed to the local mall.

    On my drive over, I got honked at by two separate cars, my pockets were $30 shorter (thanks to the gas… and the bacon, egg, and cheese), and I didn’t get paid for another week at my crappy part-time job. (No one actually likes bi-weekly pay, do they?)

    When I arrived at the mall, my phone had over 20 missed calls from my “boyfriend” (can I even call him my boyfriend if it was a toxic partnership?) As I declined and deleted each and every one of them, I took a hit of my vape (I know, I know), and looked in my rearview mirror… I looked like CRAP *pardon my language*.

    My hair was messy and sticking out everywhere, my makeup was half off of my face, AND I looked like I cried myself to sleep… which at the time was probably accurate.

    I decided to smooth my hair and get out of my car. For some reason, the mall was my comfort space. I loved to people-watch as my peers were in classes and I could be alone from the stress of senior year. As I walked inside the mall, I must’ve only sat down in the food court for 10 minutes, that is, until you approached me.

    You stopped the conversation with your friend and walked over to me to tell me I looked so pretty. My initial reaction was to laugh and blow it off saying I definitely did not, but thanked you anyway. You hesitated a second before telling me you were serious and I shouldn’t be so hard on myself. You proceeded to walk away and leave me sitting there; a sad smile planted on my face as I thought about the interaction that just occurred.

    I pulled out my phone and flipped the camera on selfie mode. I definitely looked poor in my opinion, but then I realized that was just it– my opinion… The realization settled in when I continued to look at my features; my eyes and how brown they were, my nose and how tiny little freckles scattered over it, my hair and how long it was getting, and my mouth that was chapped but told the best of stories. None of it really looked ~bad. It was more a figment of my imagination, a perception that I drilled into my own brain, a repetitive intrusive thought that continuously filled my head day in and day out thanks to the constantly amplified beauty standards.

    But that didn’t matter to you. Because to you, I looked “beautiful.”
    To you, a stranger, I looked beautiful.

    I don’t want to tell you the insane amount of thoughts I’ve felt about myself in the past, because I’m sure many people day in and day out can relate. What I will tell you though, is that from that day on, I started complimenting at least one person every single time I went out in public.

    Because of you, stranger, I started to think of myself as beautiful. If not how I looked that day, then how my brain and how my soul worked inside. I started to value myself differently after that. I started to treat people differently. If a stranger could make me feel important on a day when I completely hated myself, I wanted to be able to do the same for others.

    Stranger, you may not know this, but you started the ripple effect.
    And I don’t plan on stopping it any time soon.
    So for that, I say thank you for making me feel beautiful, and for all of the other people who felt that same feeling as I did that day.

    I will forever continue to create these ripples.

    Nicole Kisslinger

    Nicole Kisslinger

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    • Nicole, This is so real. It’s so amazing how someone’s words can mean so much at vulnerable moments of our lives. Get rid of the toxic boyfriend, embrace your beautiful self, and continue to be a ripple of kindness and positivity. And never forget how beautiful you are – inside and out. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being a part of our…read more

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  • ladyjayy submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 11 months ago

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    A Game Changer

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  • danielletwrites submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 11 months ago

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    A Letter of Gratitude to A Stranger

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  • To An Unknown Samurai Who Changes My Life

    Dear Samurai,

    You are a stranger to me, long dead, from the 14th century. I found your words in The Book of Runes my lover once gave to me. On page 87.

    I don’t know what it is that I truly believe, but your anonymous ancient words act as a role model now for me. Those twenty one statements: I say them every morning. Or try to. I know them by heart, the words of your Warrior’s Creed. Here, let me show you what they mean to me.

    I have no parents. Neither do you. I make the heaven and earth my parents. So do I. For all of us, this is true. How far back do we want to take the blame in our ancestral roots? Go far enough, and we all decay back into dust and starlight from whence we came. So why carry onward with the shame, falling down a spiral staircase of incestral traumatic name: human nature? Our progenitors made mistakes; so will we. Look to the mountains and sunset to let go of a legacy of resentments. Your creed makes this apparent.

    I have no home; I make awareness my home. Stay present. Enough said. That is where I must live to be content. The past can be shameful, the future: anxious.

    I have no life or death; I make the tides of breathing my life and death. I’m still meditating, Sensei, on this. But I understand it has to do with emptiness and fullness, and acceptance of both conditions.

    I have no divine power; I make honesty my divine power. I make the most happen when I am authentic. Beyond this, I hold no sway over others–unless I’m living in my head.

    I have no means; I make understanding my means. Ah, yes: an admonishment against arrogance in favor of patience, or so I’ve taken it to mean (pun intended). When a person explains something to me, and I find myself in a hurry, feeling “ever so impatient,” I try not to say “I know,” anymore, but instead: “Yes, I understand.” In other words, don’t prove you’ve heard; demonstrate you’ve listened. I do wish I’d known and understood this earlier in life, Sensei, but I’m glad I finally got there.

    I have no magic secrets; I make character my magic secret. Every day I work on this, in life and in my writing. Your words remind me, Dear Samurai, too look at my and others’ motivation. There is magic in not having (m)any secrets. Like I said, it’s a work in progress. It’s not like–

    I have no body; I make endurance my body. In my century, Sensei, some people say “pain is weakness leaving the body,” but this line of your creed reminds me that accepting and opening oneself to pain and injury through vulnerability can move us through every ache–physical or psychological–that we have. We endure because we love, and to make ourselves stronger to keep loving. I try to see the truth of this, even when blinded by rage.

    I have no eyes; I make the flash of lightning my eyes. Put quite simply, I take this to mean that what all we “perceive” is but a fractured, fractaled fraction of a much larger landscape. We may take heed of every bolt without trusting its singular vantage unequivocally. In a storm, we are all seeing things. So I won’t rely on what is only an instant and only clear for me. The thunder can be heard by nearly everybody–whether or not the flash is seen.

    I have no ears; I make sensibility my ears. Sure enough, Dear Samurai, sounds like common sense to me.

    I have no limbs; I make promptness my limbs. I’m getting around to writing about this one, I’ll get back to you, I promise.

    And that’s just the first ten, Ancient Stranger! So much I’ve learned from bringing you into my daily rituals with repetition. Each line is a novel, an epic unto itself. Their meaning grows each day I live, with every new (or tedious) experience. My life is changed because of this. Some days one rings through my head or reflects my situation yet again:

    I have no designs; I make “seize opportunity by the forelock” my design. Precisely, yes! Like this letter itself, and the prompt emailed out of the blue inviting me to write it. Act when the chance arises, and that still, small voice inside whispers “go ahead.” And so here we are: this letter of appreciation and reflection now exists. All because I act on your words, Dear Samurai, whenever they ring through my head and wring an idea out of there, by the tongue or by the pen!

    I have no strategy; I make “unshadowed by thought” my strategy. No expectations! They lead to assumptions and disappointment. Control is an illusion. Whenever I’m sure I have it or am convinced I can exert it over others–I’m going to end up hurt or hurting–unless I meditate instead. Whenever I attempt to intend too much, and I force an outcome, the result is never what I meant. Go ahead and plan; the Source will laugh and dash it all to bits.

    I have no miracles; I make right action my miracles. Wish in one hand…or pray with both? That’s not how the saying goes, but I know this one is true every time I Face Everything And Respond instead of react with avoidance. Every “miracle” I’ve experienced was really me re-aligning and getting back to what I already knew needed to be done or NOT done.

    I have no principles; I make adaptability to all circumstances my principles. Resistance is futile. Just adjust to reality and find your flow along with it. Join the harmony; ride the current. Insisting on principles is a recipe for judgment; the principal has an office already for that, where frequently I was told–

    I have no talents; I make Ready Wit my talents. The proof is in the poetry you’ve moved me to. Enough said. I do hope you like it, but luckily, you’re dead. Only I have to. (And maybe the readers of this intriguing writing contest). Does one ever really know one’s audience? I’d be on the fence, before I read your words, scheming to be The Best, but by now, I’m sure you know–

    I have no tactics; I make emptiness and fullness my tactics. Back to the breath. It seems so trite, so New Age, so obvious, but really: it’s how we all start and end. It’s the part of us all that is both automatic and fully-conscious. Unlike our thoughts, we can control it. So now I wait to understand the top and bottom of each cycle, instead of racing around to plan. Plus, there is always also what my Marine Corps father (modern Samurai, if you will, Sensei) always said: “amateurs talk tactics; professionals talk logistics.” I try to trust the circumstances and my own resources these days. You and Dad were both right about that. But all this “knowing” can come at a cost, you know, because at times, I find–

    I have no friends; I make my mind my friend. Or try to, at least. But I find this line frequently to be the hardest to accept. I want to rely on others, then feel pain, grief, and anger when my trust and faith feel betrayed, pushing my thoughts to dark places. In the shadows of isolation and old narratives, my mind is NOT my friend. (See, again: Breath, Meditation. Look forward to: Acceptance, Mercy.) An old lady bard once said that one of those had qualities that were “unrestrained,” but I’ve found too, that Grace can be merciless, because every time I believe that–

    I have no enemies; I make carelessness my enemy. And I wind up hurting myself again. I get swindled or sloshed or simply stop paying attention. Neglect is the true enemy of any one of us–both feeling and doing it. Abandonment makes assholes of all of us, and in having that in common, we ought to all be friends. Not a “bad apple” among us except for Indifference–humanity’s eternal, infernal arch-nemesis. We all cope in our own ways: we deny, we self-medicate, we project. It is only human to want to defend our Self. Our Ego evolved to protect, to shield us from abuse and neglect, but:

    I have no armor; I make benevolence and righteousness my armor. I can shield my Self with respect. Honor boundaries set, and dignity will be met with dignity. That is its own reward. I lose only when I expect, but there is nothing to protect.

    I have no castle; I make immovable mind my castle. Don’t let it get to you. Breathe, meditate. Yet again. No need to take up arms, to justify or otherwise pretend I am a warrior (even with a bokken or jo in hand). Because the truth is, that up until a couple of years ago, I never knew you, Stranger. I had no sword back then (neither steel nor pen). But that’s alright. I can accept that, since:

    I have no sword; I make “absence of Self” my sword. This one feels BY FAR the most important to me. Since I began saying your creed, Samurai, slowly, the world of conflict has shifted for me. I’ve learned the best option is to simply not engage, instead of inviting every battle inside me to wage war without as well. My sense of “self” cannot be injured if I choose to let go of it (every now and then). Ego injures us; with us, it injures others–but it only ever sees itself as a sword, cutting to protect. Your words and my own martial training have taught me the truth of this: conflict is only ever the necessary option when I am focused on my Self and not the Common Human Experience of my nemesis as well. Friction is resolved if together we can blend.

    And so your Warrior’s Creed feels “heaven-sent” even if it only ever was “happenstance.” I’ll take the synchronicity and the lessons held therein. Your words have so inspired me, Dear Samurai, I even made my very own version, with a few twists:

    I have no teeth – I make poetry my teeth.
    I have no heart – I make music my heart.
    I have no gut – I make intuition my gut.

    I have no love – I make orbit my L.ocally O.ptimized V.ibrational E.ntanglement
    I have no anger – I make the thunder my anger.
    I have no envy – I make liquid magma my envy.
    I have no shame – I make the shade my shame.

    I have no judgment – I make the sun my judgment.
    I have no pride – I make the tide my pride.
    I have no obligation – I make my Self my obligation.
    I have no purpose – I make service my purpose.

    I have no fear – I make my fear my teacher.
    I have no blame – I make my blame its own name.
    I have no pain – I make my pain all the same; I make it my experience.
    I have no mind – I make my mind free in release.

    I have no freedom – I make freedom from discernment.
    I have no balance – I make integration my balance.
    I have no answers – I make the Source my answer.

    I have no possessions – I make life my possession.
    I have no loss – I make my losses abundant.
    I have no joy – I make my joy the moment.
    I have no force – I make my force a conduit.

    My version is for a Warrior Poet. I hope that’s not too arrogant, Sensei. Thank you for having walked the path. I’m glad I found your way. I’ve become my better Self as I still walk it, shedding who I am NOT. And I never had to know you to become you. We are all Anonymous. I live now with another sense of purpose: to leave wise words behind like you that another may find–and do with what they will.

    A Future Follower (too bad you never got to see Instagram, for real)

    J. St. C.

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    • It’s amazing how someone who is so distant from us in terms of space and time (physically) can touch our hearts and souls so profoundly. Thank you for sharing all this wisdom, and thank you for being a part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • sasha_jeffries submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 11 months ago

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    A Plastic Fairy Wand

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  • reaganmfryer submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 11 months ago

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    To The Stranger Who Pulled Me Out Of The Car

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  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

    Chello Darling,

    After watching the beauty that is Mary Poppins float gracefully through a sketched painting I had a great feeling about life. Growing up this was more than a movie, more than the collective chemistry of an amazing actress. I felt whenever I was sick I could surely take a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down and I would be healed instantly. I also knew anytime that I carried a bag, even small ones of sorts that I could pull anything out of it including a 10 ft sub sandwich, a petting zoo or even a complete bed set. Super cozy yet wow!!

    Mary, you soothed my soul on many occasions. You provided an extraordinary place of hope and excitement that life would be grand. Not always grand but even in the grim parts of it , life would be good still. At a young age I was exposed to quite a lot , some things that could have taken my innocence, or loitered my imagination but one scene of Mary gliding down a brass staircase with the calmest and cheeriest demeanor made Me smile, made me relinquish in the many possibilities that come with life.

    Mary, you taught Me how to belly laugh without a care, and how gravity does not define us for we are all free to flop, feel, fail and celebrate ourselves fabulously.

    Many times I have written letters to myself, my family, my peers, old loves and wondered why love didn’t show up for Me like the carousal did in the movie.
    I learned what accountability was before I knew what accountability is and now reflecting I needed that reality check. Who knew it would be formed within a classic tale.
    Those letters were singed, but came out of the fire whole and ready to read, to understand and know love just like Me.

    The positive impact you had on my aura Mary was grand and I pray that when skies are gray I am always able to shimmy down the chimney of life and grab a hold of my umbrella and lead the way.

    With love, thank you and good day.

    Gie Santana

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    • Gie, This is an absolutely wonderful piece. It’s amazing how characters from a movie or show can give us the hope, or guidance we need at that moment. This line from your piece is everything, “Mary, you taught Me how to belly laugh without a care, and how gravity does not define us for we are all free to flop, feel, fail and celebrate ourselves…read more

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      • Thank you so incredibly much Lauren. Some days I don’t feel connected to much of anything but I appreciate you noticing and adoring my creative efforts. Thank you and the Unsealed family. This is one of my favorite families!! ☺️

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  • netertlove333 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 11 months ago

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    One love

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  • mariag_c submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 11 months ago

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    Sister Who Has Been My Best Friend For Life

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  • spiritwriter2 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 11 months ago

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    Dear Stranger

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  • noraeim submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 11 months ago

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    To The Moon and The Stars

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  • jmalone submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 11 months ago

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    A Switch from Sad to Happy

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  • You didn't have to, but you did.

    To the person who came to my rescue:

    You saw me: hot hurricane winds heaving past my lips, violent chest, boa constrictor hands contracted around chair handles. You saw me: eyes like waterfalls, eyes like the moon, eyes like a hive of bees.
    You saw me with panic wrapped around my shoulders like a cloak and you came.
    I felt your hands on mine like life rafts. I heard your voice float to me like a breeze through black smoke. Breathe, breathe, breathe, you said.
    I choaked.
    Breathe, breathe, breathe. I’m here.
    Breathe, breathe, breathe. Like this.
    Breathe, breathe, breathe, You’re safe.
    I watched your chest rise and fall like gentle waves and I let them bring me to shore. My hands slithered to yours and squeezed. Over the sound of my heart crashing through my ears, over the sound of my buzzing brain, I let you teach me how to breathe again.
    I had arrived safely through the storm guided by a strange lighthouse and before the salt had washed from my eyes you were gone. The only memory I have of you are your strong, sure hands and the siren’s song that called me home.
    I never learned your name, or the color of your eyes, or the reason you came to my rescue.
    I never got to thank you.
    So thank you.

    Autumn Davidson

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