  • sarita submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new yearWrite a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new year 1 years, 2 months ago

    2023 and Me

    I want you to breathe easier
    To not critique yourself and art into artistic paralysis
    Do not question your Intuition
    I will let you make mistakes
    Only if you can learn from them
    I will not beat you up for being human

    I will give you the grace I allow others
    I am now able to love you as you need to be loved.
    And that love will grow with each passing day

    I believe that you are worth the struggle.
    That love is just as important to receive as give.
    You will be the change you want to see in this world.
    You will rage against the dying light
    And I will love and be proud of you with every moment of this coming year.


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    • Sarah, this is so good. You give so much love and kindness to others. I hope and pray every day you give that same love and kindness to yourself. You are wonderful and amazing and I hope you are as proud of yourself as I am of you. Thank you for sharing. I hope your year is going even better than planned. Thank you for sharing your heart with the unsealed community. <3 Lauren

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    • It’s always good to give ourselves grace because sometimes we tend to be a little too hard on ourselves we have to understand that sometimes we don’t have the ability to do everything we want to do our way. We sometimes have to understand that we are not perfect. I love that you said that you will rage against the dying light showing that no matter what you will continue to shine your light.

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    • Sarah giving ourselves grace is important, especially living in a society where there aren’t many people that will give you grace. Accepting grace for yourself is important, but also accepting grace for others is even more important. We need to remind ourselves that grace is there for us. We have the power to have grace in moments where we feel like we don’t deserve it, or when we are feeling like we aren’t worthy of it. Always give yourself grace when others can’t.

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