  • sarita shared a letter in the Group logo of Chasing Your DreamsChasing Your Dreams group 1 years, 8 months ago

    When Push Comes to Love

    Love has taken me many places and taught me so many important lessons. I truly believe that love is the best teacher in the world. Love is vast and can change your life. This is what love has taught me over the years and is what motivates me to make it through the dark days and to celebrate the beautiful ones.
    The Greeks had seven words for the emotion of love. I have always loved this fact since I learned it when I was younger. The form of love that always stood out to me was Agape, which is the word for empathetic, universal love. My younger self was drawn to that because I realized that this type of love I felt in my bones, a love that connects the world.
    This idea of love that can exist between anyone on earth was very moving to me when I was very ill with a Bipolar disorder and a Neurological condition. This condition was caused by the medication I was taking for my Bipolar disorder and ended up having to have multiple brain surgeries. Not only did the idea of Agape help me to survive this very dark time in my life, but love in general gave me strength to always move forward. I was in the hospital for two months with a brain infection. My parents love, love from friends, love in any form, was what pushed me through.
    I worked hard to get better not only physically, but emotionally as well. Learning to lead with love has been such a gift to my life. I finally feel healthy both physically and emotionally. This is something I quite honestly believed might not ever happen for me.
    Love changed my mind. Love saved me and has motivated me to be the best version of myself.

    Sarah Perez

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    • I really enjoyed reading your letter. I completely agree love is so powerful and is definitely capable of healing. I loved the way you explained what love means to you and the type that you feel the most. Love is truly capable of saving people and getting them through their toughest times. You are so strong and it is amazing and inspiring that after everything you have been through you still see and find the power of love. Great letter!

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      • Thank you! You are amazing! I throughly enjoyed meeting you via zoom. I can’t wait to see where you will be in journey when you are my age. Reach out anytime you want/need to talk. I think you are an inspiration to all of us and I cannot wait to read more of your work. Thank you for being so supportive!

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    • Although you had a very sick, depressed and negative life at the time, I’m glad that you were able to move forward with love in your heart. Love is your most powerful medicine and as always, if you want it, you can get it. When we are faced with illness or hardships, a friend’s or families love is what helps us to get through it.

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    • I love it, and Love is almost the key to everything, if people just open their eyes and believe. Let it happen. Love is truly what builds the universe, we just don’t share it enough. It would be such a better place to live, if we would just share it more. It’s so easy to share love, it costs nothing. You are worth being loved at all times. During your dark time, I’m so grateful that you found love and there’s none like your friends and family. You stated that love changed your mind, that it saved and motivated you to your best self and I’m so happy for you. God Bless!

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    • Love is a very powerful emotion. It can make or break you yet it connects us all. It protects us and nurtures us from the evils of the world. Thank you for sharing

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