

  • Comfort Zone

    To live is to endure levels of discomfort.
    We step beyond our own limits to learn, fail, and experience.
    We limit ourselves to the encounters of life when we confine our limits to a box.
    Being uncomfortable is when we learn the most about ourselves and our abilities to live.
    What we are willing to sacrifice, embrace and fear.
    Without these experiences, life would be meaningless.
    A seed without growth. A bird without flight. Music without sound.
    Comfort is a warm embrace, much like a nest is to an egg.
    But we all have to leave the nest someday.
    Knowing the risks, we take that first step, we play that first note.
    We endure the discomforts of being “newborn” to bring more purpose to our lives.
    We must do so by leaving our comfort zone.

    Samm Bauer

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    • Sam – “Being uncomfortable is when we learn the most about ourselves and our abilities to live.” – This is so true. it’s in those moments we really learn who we are, what we want, and how strong we are. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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