  • rozewrites submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    From Me, For Me.

    Roses aren’t always red, Violets were never blue
    The cliche of the day, oh do I have a poem for you.
    The name written under from is the same written under to.

    Born to be great you never fall short of a surprise,
    The very reason I love mirrors I get lost in your eyes.

    You survived the dark at 3 am when nobody was around,
    You forever work to forget the days you broke down.

    We have been out of touch for quite some time,
    Once on top of the world now we swing low like the grapevine.

    I loved you from the ground up,
    When nobody was around us,
    I loved you from zero to hero,
    I loved you when all you wanted to do was play stupid games,
    Until the day that I die I will still love you the very same.

    I love the fire the burns in your eyes the moment you get into the kitchen and cook,
    I love every word you’ve written whether it be an essay poem theory or book,
    I love your body the sculpture you cultivated to be fine like marble you’re a beautiful stone,
    I love your hair even though you let so much of it go,
    I love your voice and every song you learned to sing,
    I love your heart there aren’t many built with love capable of accomplishing the same.

    Brave soul, you wanted stability, growth, and change,
    You Don’t forget to live the unique moments that time would take away,
    You always want to be the one who changes things for the better,
    You are the author so nobody else in this world knows you better,

    You survived yourself,
    You made it through generations of pain,
    You’re changing the narrative with no intention of leaving the world the same.

    A token of appreciation despite the toxic mind games we play, I fell in love with the human part of you and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

    A letter to myself for another one of those beautiful love days, l know who I’m in love with but I deserve these words just as much as she does too.

    Happy Valentine’s Day to myself with love,
    In hopes of forever loving myself too.

    Nicholas Jahnari A.

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • That opening verse is fire!

      Write me back 

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    • Nicholas this is so authentic and real. I love this part, “Born to be great you never fall short of a surprise,
      The very reason I love mirrors I get lost in your eyes.

      You survived the dark at 3 am when nobody was around,
      You forever work to forget the days you broke down.”

      And I agree with @hartsekl the opening is fire.

      Thank you for sharing. Thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

      Write me back 

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