
rebecca's Letters


Say anything

What do you want?

You can do anything you want.
Anything you want in this world, you can do.

Do what you want—
Say anything you want to say,
Because no one will remember you in a week.

It doesn’t matter what you say—
So go ahead and knock on anyone’s door,
Ask them to use their bathroom,
And if they say, “I don’t know you,”
Ask them t…read more

I don’t know if I am, but I do know that I am deserving of your respect.

Why I Am Deserving Your Utmost Respect?
Am I deserving of your utmost respect?
I don’t know.
I don’t know if I am, but I do know that I am deserving of your respect.
Because I am a person,
a human being,
a woman.
I live on the same planet as you,
We all live on Earth,
Where we all struggle to live well-balanced lives to the best of…read more

Voting ends on September 1, 2024 12:00pm

world's screwed up but so am i

I don’t want to see any change in the world. “Be the change you wish to see in the world,” the cliché quote from Mahatma Gandhi, is something that will never be old but how many times can one truly hear this quote?
I’ve heard it so many times, my body feels cold when I hear it again. Why do I feel cold—chills? I don’t want to see a change in th…read more

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