

  • CONTEST ENTRY: 1st Place

    Dear Little Olivia,

    I’m sorry I didn’t put you first. I’m sorry I didn’t choose you every single time because you are so worthy of a safe, healthy, valuable love. I guess every great story starts off with that one simple line… I met this guy/girl. The problem with that was, I found him and lost me. I suppose I’ve always been attracted to broken birds and perhaps I thought enough honey could cure the sting of that buzzing bee but boy was I wrong! Turns out we can’t fix anyone. In fact, the only one who can transform the heart of a man or a woman is God.

    My name is Olivia Summer Hutcherson and I am a 32 year old hopeless romantic. I am a 3X cancer survivor and metastatic thriver plus a dancer, singer, poet, published author and lover of life. I adore human connection and all that that means. I enjoy sharing my art and heart out there on the New York scene. I have made a million and one mistakes and am still learning every day but the few things that I have gathered along the way are yours to take.

    Putting God first in all that you do is key to a peaceful and successful life. Having a relationship with the Lord does not mean that problems will not arise but He will give you the grace and strength to get through it all. I have learned this from personal experience time and time again and can honestly say that Jesus is my best friend.

    On that note, He has taught me to be a lot kinder to myself. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that we are all masterpieces created in His image. That means that every single person on this planet has a unique design and divine purpose over their life. There are no two fingerprints, minds, souls, or hearts exactly alike. I wish I would have embraced this more in my youth because I was very consumed with the comparison game and there is absolutely no need for that because it is clear that God created each individual with a special calling on their life that is connected to their gifts.

    We must learn to build one another up. This includes ourselves, our friends, our family members, our co-workers and even strangers. Life is challenging enough so each day I make a conscious decision to speak kindly to myself and speak life into my situations. Every cell in our body is listening to the messaging coming out of our mouth. Get into the habit of thanking your body for getting you through the days, focus on the good and try not to compare.

    Stay active no matter what. I used to dance 6 hours a day and now I go for nature walks but the point is that I keep moving forward.

    Feelings are like visitors. Let them come, sit, have tea and visit but do not allow them to stay. Another way I have heard it put is that every rainstorm runs out of rain eventually. Cry when you need to cry, laugh when you need to laugh, be quiet when there is nothing to say, etc… If it comes let it, if it goes let it. Just don’t stay there.

    Surrender that which you can’t control. Get on your knees, lift up your hands and sing when you feel like crying. There is no substitute for good old fashioned worship. Even if your voice shakes or you can only muster whispering the words. Declaring the promises of God over your life is a weapon. Releasing the pain is part of the healing process. Sometimes we just have to let it

    Make time to have a little fun. Each day carve out a moment to smile. It can be the smallest thing like having ice cream or going for a bike ride with your best friend but whatever it is… be in the moment. Time is passing us by faster than the speed of light and if we don’t make time to enjoy the journey then one day we’ll look back and wonder what it was all for? Take little pauses for you along the way.

    Last but not least forgive anyone who may have hurt you and take it a step further, pray for them. Hurt people, hurt people. Forgiveness is not for them, it’s for you. Get in and pull the roots out so they don’t have a hold on you anymore. You deserve freedom, you deserve peace, you deserve the love you so freely give and in case no one has told you lately….God loves you and so do I. You have always been 1st place to Him.



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