
nicoleskisslinger's Letters

Home Is Where I Go

To live a fulfilled life is to have one of value.
Lessons, tragedies, peaceful bliss, experiences.
I wish to make a home within myself; a home is where I’ll go.

As the hours turn to days and days turn to months, I wish to live a life worth living.

I wish to experience sunrises on the island, where blue waves crash into the sand, being drawn by…read more

The Ripple Effect

Dear Stranger,

Today you walked passed me at the local mall. It was a cloudy, overcast afternoon and you were walking with a friend. I was walking alone. We were headed in two completely different directions. You stopped your conversation with your friend to tell me I looked pretty.

What was a small gesture of kindness, changed my entire…read more


"Light Through the Darkness"

At one point in my life, everything went dark.
“You can do this. One day at a time. One minute at a time. One second at a time…”

How I got to this point didn’t matter —

It just became another battle to fight,
another attempt to breathe,
and another day to try and live.

I like to give my friends credit and say they were the ones that made me s…read more

I Will Be Free Soon

Dear Chaos,

I am no longer an anxious, cooped-up vessel,
Trapped inside the mind of my own —
Rather inside the mind of what resembles a stranger’s.

Heal, don’t hustle.
Flow, don’t force.
Ground, don’t grind.

Seasons have passed;
My body is safe now.

Breaking free of my once worst thoughts,
Setting me loose to feel and not fight.
I am receivi…read more

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