

  • Cheers to the Future Me!

    Genie In a Bottle- Myah Cook

    I wonder where you are right now. Overlooking a vast, majestic sea? Having a cocktail at a best friend’s wedding? Tearing up as you are watching your first born walk across the stage to receive their high school diploma?

    If I had a genie in a bottle, I wouldn’t even need three wishes. My wish would be to take a peek into the future and catch a glimpse of where I am headed. To see where my dreams took me. To take in all the grace that is the future me.
    Did you ever find someone who loves you the way you love others? You know I’ve always fallen for the guys who weren’t even a fraction of what I deserved. The kind of guys who never could appreciate one of God’s greatest creations- which is You. I hope we learned our lesson and decided to engulf ourselves in the purest forms of love.

    Have you been keeping our promises to each other? A promise to always brighten the room with a smile even when the dark times rolled around. A promise that even when everyone turned against us, we would still have each others’ back. A promise that when we felt that the weight of the world was sitting on our shoulders we would accept the challenge and benchpress it to remind the world that we are indestructible.

    Do you still find time to make art? I hope you still write even when no one is there to listen to it, only your heart and soul as your audience. I hope you still dance without a care in the world, letting your stress dissolve away with your joyful steps. I hope your voice is the voice that lullabies every open ear that comes across you.

    Have you achieved all of our goals? To exceed all expectations, to find a career that makes you excited to be on time every morning; to live a life of luxury and to be surrounded by love and warmth? If not yet, I believe that all of our hard work and healing will gift all of that to us soon.

    Do you ever bring me up when you’re reminiscing on the good ole’ times? Like our 21st birthday party or when mom did a bedroom makeover for us that one Christmas. I hope your grand memories in life are times when the family is all together and times when you are traveling the world.

    Even with all of these questions, there are things that I know for certain.
    Our family is so proud of you. Through all of our struggles, even the ones I don’t know about yet, I know that we overcame them and still came out on top like we always do.

    Most of all, I know, without a doubt, that you are the woman that I have always wanted to be. Ever since we were a little girl. Take care of yourself and always remember us. We will always be there for you.

    Until we meet again.


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    • Myah – This is so sweet. I always fell for the wrong guys too. Always value the qualities that truly matter – kindness, honesty and compassion. Never stop making art and expressing yourself, Your heart is so pure and loving and you should always share it with the world. You are clearly a very resilient person, so I can’t wait to see what you do…read more

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