
mturoci's Letters

Maryann Turoci

How taking a risk taught me the meaning of family

You can picture the scene. A typical college student, full-time classes, long lectures, terrible cafeteria food, and going to sports games. What might not be so obvious is why I went to college. A lot of things built up over the years, and waking up in a dorm room felt so freeing. I felt like I could finally breathe. Almost six hours away from my…read more

CONTEST ENTRY: To myself, remember you were born to bloom

Little Flower,
On December 31, 2017, you will be raped.

You will sit in the dark scrambling for a person to call so that you can leave his house, but in the end, you decide there is nowhere to run. A helpless feeling will follow you, and you will forever fear him after that night. Eventually, you will find the strength to leave him.

There are…

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