
msoul18's Letters

When Death Opens Your Eyes.


I kept dreaming I was back at that house. I had no choice but to return to where I almost lost my life. The nightmare was, I was easily consumed by the lives of other people. That people had more power over my life and experiences than I ever did. I was nothing but a pawn waiting for death to hold me. When I woke up, I was gasping for air…read more

Little Letters To Soul


I have always found solace in writing to you. I remember I want, I can, I will. Our lives are more intertwined than I’ve previously believed them to be. I have seen your visions and know they are promises to me. There is so much depth for me, isn’t there? Because I can only feel the vastness of the universe, not see it. You can see what I c…read more


Writers Block

I was once an 18-year-old girl that loved to write. I remember sitting in my basement room with Christmas lights strung up in the middle of February and the weather was cold enough to cause frost over my windows. I thought about my little sister, who had been gone for over a decade, and our childhood bedroom which was once a safe space from…read more

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