  • mercedes3650 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your lifeWrite a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life 1 years, 1 months ago

    Guardian Angel

    I spent long hours working overnight at the mall to support myself through school, and when my shift was over the sun was coming up and you were always right there, yet you never uttered a word. It almost felt like you were waiting for me. The same time, same spot, and same bus number every morning I came out. I never knew your name and you never knew mine but anytime we made eye contact, it was an unspoken reassurance that kept us both coming to that mall to work long hours and make sure we got on that same bus on time every morning. Until one day, I got off work just a few minutes later than usual and the morning bus route got a new driver who wasn’t a people person. I had all my school books in my hand. Running to the end of the mall trying to make it to the bus. I had a midterm exam early that morning and don’t ask me how I thought I could study and run to the bus stop at the same time, and make it on the bus, I just did it. I was so overwhelmed from working long hours, studying even longer, and feeling like I’m running in place trying to better my life. I got a few feet away from the door that led right out to the bus stop and I dropped all my books and fell flat on my face. No one saw me from the inside of the mall but I was so humiliated and embarrassed of myself I immediately broke down crying. Picking up my books, wiping my tears, I gave up running at that point and just made my way out the door to where I was surprise to see the bus still sitting there being held up by a woman talking to the driver. Apparently the woman had “lost” her glasses, and needed help to see to get on the bus and finding them in order to get home safely when she departure’s at her stop. That same woman was you. The same woman I saw every morning and got on the bus with after long hours running on the same hamster wheel everyday yet never uttering a word nor did you know my name. Our eyes met and you smiled so big. My tears of defeat immediately became tears of joy. I got on the bus and sat down and ironically you “found” your glasses. They were in your pocket the whole time. The look on the drivers face was one I would never forget. He was so upset but kept his cool out of respect for you and you popped your collar, winked back at me, and made your way to your seat. Only this time, you sat next to me and for the first time you spoke to me and said “Don’t you ever get tired of doing the right thing, God sees you and your time is coming!”. I needed those words that day more than you would ever know and even still today I don’t know your name but I owe you the biggest thank you for watching over me, protecting me, and encouraging me. Those words have been imprinted in my heart and echo in my mind daily. Anytime I feel like giving up or think I’m unworthy, I remember just what you said and all that you did for me. You’d be proud to know that I kept going and now 5 years later, I have accomplished more than I could have ever imagined. Thank you my bus stop Angel.

    Stacee M Wright

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    • Stacee, I am literally crying. This is sooooo good. I love this story, and I am so proud of your hustle. I am glad this stranger had your back and gave you the support and encouragement at the exact moment you needed it most. She is so right, you’re time is coming. And even when it feels like you’re on a hamster wheel, please know that you are not. Your heart and hustle are taking you places. Never give up. Keep going. Thanks for sharing this story. It is truly a beautiful story, and you told it so well. Thank you for being a part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you so much Lauren for your words of encouragement. I was going through soooo much at that time in my life, and someone I didn’t know had so much love for me. Life can make us feel like we’re running in place sometimes but encouragement is so important it’s underrated.

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    • This story brought tears to my eyes and warmed my heart. For so many different reasons. We never really know our guardian angels. They just seem to pop in our lives and leave their mark on our hearts when desperately needed. You are a strong, smart, amazing and all around wonderful lady. Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience with the family. I voted 💜

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      • Thank you so much Michelle, that means so much to me and you’re right she was definitely a guardian Angel right before me. Thank you so much for your vote ❤️❤️

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    • This is awesome Stacee!!! You just never knows who is watching and I am sure you uplifted her as well. She was there every time and especially afterworking long hours at a job. WOW You and your bus stop Angel were destined to meet in that very moment . I’m thankful that there was also a greetings invloved. You two sparked something inside of each other that evening!! Great great story thank you so much for sharing!! 🙂 She would be proud of us because we sure are!!

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