
mel33x0's Letters


Unexpected but welcomed growth

Dear friend,

Is your time up?

If you are a U.S. citizen like myself, it’s that infamous letter in the mail. ‘You have been summoned for jury duty.’

Once or twice I had to postpone it due to life: a wedding, being out of state and such. But this time, this time. It was time.

You know, it’s so true that something happens when you least expect…read more

Voting ends on December 4, 2024 12:00am

The light is within you

A seed is planted in the ground with purpose, igniting a fire, taking up space
A new life is born
Our ancestors were born at a precise moment in time
Allowing you, me, we to be born
Written in the stars we were to live in this moment
A mosaic of all those who came before
Walking alongside us, growing with us
Time alive is precious

Flowers…read more

Voting ends on July 31, 2024 12:00am

You are an authentic hourglass

My dear friend,
Time is a gift. Every year you get to celebrate your birthday and choose how to celebrate it: with those you love, doing something fun, going to a nice restaurant, or lounging in sweatpants watching Netflix. Choose to live every day as if it is your birthday because every day is a new day, a new beginning – being born…read more

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