

  • laurentheunsealed-com submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem to the new 2022 youWrite a poem to the new 2022 you 2 years, 2 months ago

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  • silhouette-inkk submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem to the new 2022 youWrite a poem to the new 2022 you 2 years, 2 months ago

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  • joanie-kelly submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem to the new 2022 youWrite a poem to the new 2022 you 2 years, 2 months ago

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    WINNER: Rise

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  • dragonflypdx submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem to the new 2022 youWrite a poem to the new 2022 you 2 years, 2 months ago

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    Hey You! It’s Me! It’s 2022. We need to talk.

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  • matthewtorrespoetry submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem to the new 2022 youWrite a poem to the new 2022 you 2 years, 2 months ago

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    Be Different

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  • WINNER: New Year’s Dance

    you come from a story of love

    so it’s only natural for you to carry so much of it on your sleeve.

    your mom believes in miracles because of your breath, so why shouldn’t you?

    you come from thick texas drawls,

    cigarette smoke,


    and tents made out of bedsheets and dining chairs.

    a student of opera

    and a dropout almost-rockstar

    smiled and decided that life

    was found in each other,

    your first example of juliet and romeo.


    there’s a memory somewhere of you

    in dad’s old studio

    with big headphones on and a smile on your face

    and that’s where you got your biggest gift

    a strum of a guitar

    and clatters of a drum kit

    right in front of you.

    your dad knew you would love it like he did

    just as your mom knew you were a soprano

    and from then on you let the music hold your hand

    and put you to sleep.


    you never lost it as you grew up

    you measure your life with different songs

    many different genres in your blood.

    your grandma always knew you could dance

    even if your body seemed to hold you captive

    and that’s the kind of faith you believe in.

    the kind of faith that doesn’t scream at you to repent

    no kind of sin to confess

    just belief in the people around you.


    you carry that faith into the new year

    as you dance with your girlfriend straight into midnight

    and you notice how no one judges you for the way that you move.

    your entire life, the bruises on your knees had been your identity

    and you’d apologized for almost every step you had taken

    until someone you had chosen bought you boots with easy zips on the side

    and held your bones with such nuance

    such marvel

    in a way they had never been held before

    held not out of obligation

    but out of love.


    so as you dance,

    you know that you are beautiful.

    and as you count down to a complete rotation,

    you know

    for the very first time

    that you exist infinitely

    that your soul has been made over

    more times than you can fathom

    and that there is no right or wrong way

    to breathe

    there is only life.


    and under a new year’s sun,

    you will no longer apologize

    and you will dance without remorse.

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  • jthomasdryandbarren-com submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem to the new 2022 youWrite a poem to the new 2022 you 2 years, 2 months ago

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    Too Wonderful

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  • Here’s to us and 2022

    My dearest Dreima,

    It’s true when they say new year new you.

    But let us not make it about everyone else.

    This year is about me, you, US. We’ve fought our deepest demons, the ones that creep in our sleep.

    This time around we’re not letting monsters instill fear in our hearts.

    Feel your beat. Focus on the sound of your voice. No one else can demand you to follow them. You’re not a follower, you drive your own steering wheel.

    You will follow the pathway called, “My Life”.


    I will be on the passenger side.


    Don’t take for granted every mistake you’ve made.

    We’ve cried, laughed, and even almost died.

    We were hit by the highest hurricanes.

    But we never drowned, and you don’t even know how to swim.

    Scared of almost meeting death herself, we learned to appreciate the flowers in our garden. This year we will plant more seeds, new opportunities and bigger dreams. We will water our flowers throughout the week, growth and confidence will bloom.


    Don’t fear to wear what makes you beautiful.

    Be a rainbow, the diamond on the rough. You will shine from a mile afar.

    Wear your most gorgeous outfit, your smile.

    Be bold to stare at each other in the mirror every morning.

    We aren’t meant to stand on opposite sides, but rather united in one mind.


    But if on some nights you want to dissolve, it is okay.

    Don’t be too hard on yourself if you want to let yourself break into a million pieces. I will…we will pick each other up. Embrace all your weaknesses because only then you’ll know what serenity feels like.


    Tell those that you love that you can no longer give them all of you, because they only give you half or no love at all.

    You need some of that love to continue thriving.

    Because in order to care for them, you need to heal yourself first.

    First, you must now put yourself first.


    Don’t believe the whispers on the street, you are not selfish.

    People can sing without knowing the beat, but only you know the words to your song.

    So hold on to what gives you the most strength…your family.

    You made promises, and some went with the wind.

    This year you will fly and reach for those promises because you will make them come true.


    Remember it won’t be easy. No matter the weather, you will be rewarded with flowers in the winter. And even when they’re dying you will lift your pedals up.

    I cannot wait to see you, us walking down the stage. Looking over at the sound of the ocean, clapping for our success.



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  • Remember that story you loved? It was yours

    Remember that story you loved? It was yours

    The first time you crumpled and chucked a corner of your life it landed on the floorboards that noticed when your shoe size changed. I’ve watched you shout sentences out of your pockets, the chapters you wished away tucked under boxes in the attic

    You forgot that I write sonnets even in the moments when you wish the words were different

    Baked into the silence of an unchanging commute, between the lines of a receipt, stolen from the heaviness of a light beer
    To praise the job of your sigh and the metrics of your laugh. The chip laid on your shoulder is self-inflicted and superficial, unfairly designing the angle of your flinch when smoothing the lines of your blazer
    I’m aware that each time knowledge shakes your hand, more hesitation steals its way beneath the confidence of your brow

    But I hear the words, the paragraphs, and the footnotes

    They’re the flush in your cheeks when you thought you found a lifetime of pinky promises. The sound of change you accidentally drop and the way your hands hug your knees in the shower
    Plot points noiselessly idle in the etchings of your sheets, in the breath of your smile and the wanting of your pace.
    I listen to your worry in the unchecked list hidden by the stack of papers settled on your dresser

    Yet, even when you temporize, I continue to cite moments

    So that you remember how hospital beds and birthday cards and feeling last in line could not separate you from your darkest strand of hair
    The purple of the raised scars underneath your shirt are smooth despite their nature, like how strokes across your lips make no mention of the pain they’ve caused
    I’m in the room when you lose time contemplating time lost

    Do you notice how I number the pages?

    I hold a ruler to the glow of your irises when you hum under the little dipper. I’m there, studying the value of each thank you.
    Integers of convention straighten your spine like the phone calls you miss, and you dither under the pressure of opportunity
    I’m a witness to the metronome of your bedside lamp and how it keeps you afraid of the dark

    The next sentence is always blank until it isn’t

    Someday soon the gnawing of your aspirations will outweigh the chapters you believed weren’t worthwhile
    Intermittent joys will steady your footsteps in new spaces,  but burn crescendos brighter than evening sunsets when you realize great things don’t always come in threes
    I’ll remind you that the relief of finding will hold you like a lover when you thought there was no chair meant for you

    And you’ll write for you, for me, too
    The story you love, the story yet to be


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  • stephanie submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem to the new 2022 youWrite a poem to the new 2022 you 2 years, 2 months ago

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    Home/Hope, Hope/Home

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  • You’re Good Girl

    Calm the F*** down.
    You still wear the crown.
    Still tearing shit up,
    and holding shit down.

    Still got that drip.
    You’re making them drown.
    Still hot as hell.
    You’re burning up ground.

    Take all the insults,
    forget how they sound.
    You’re leaving em behind,
    tossed in the lost and found.

    The people who matter,
    well, they’ll be down.
    The a******* who don’t,
    you don’t f***ing need around.

    Ignore those haters,
    their whispers and frowns.
    Say “see ya later”.
    You don’t need those clowns.

    You’ll leave your mark
    On every city and town.
    You’ll find your happy ending,
    Like Cinderella without the gown.

    You’ll weigh in against life,
    And you’ll match it pound for pound.
    You’ll get up from every blow,
    and you’ll take it to the ground.

    And when the day comes,
    That you’re no longer around,
    Everyone will recognize your name,
    They’ll never forget the sound.

    ~ Rachel G. Ezell


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  • The now and the Infinity…

    For the new me, may never be found; because you see, the idea is unsound.

    What is newness? Is it true?

    I find that I am seldom new; and often, always, built by two.

    There’s who I was, and who I will be … then somewhere in between, there’s me.

    Propelling forward, pulled by past, knowing resolutions will not last, if I don’t love the parts of me, that are the now, and the infinity. ~ a poem by ~ 𓌂 © Danielle, #DAMCL ™, @DsEnlightenedEdits ™®🌈 𓌂©𝐰𝐰𝐰.𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐂𝐋𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬.𝐜𝐨𝐦 ™®𓋹;
    © January, 2022.

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  • elisaar submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem to the new 2022 youWrite a poem to the new 2022 you 2 years, 2 months ago

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    Self Love Chronicles

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  • Hello 2022. Nice To Meet You

    As the new year arrives
    I’m grateful that in 2021, I’ve taken tremendous strives

    The courage & belief in self really blossomed this year
    After years of my mind being controlled by fear

    I’m really excited for 2022
    Hopefully, we’ll all make it through

    There are so many things I want to do
    Like continuing to grow as a writer & go back to school, just to name a few

    I embrace the surprises that will come along the way
    It also helps to have fun & play.

    So, I’m ready for the great year, that’ll be 2022
    I hope you are too.


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  • kdungee1 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your younger selfWrite a letter to your younger self 2 years, 5 months ago

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    CONTEST ENTRY: To a decade of strength

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  • anelisawrites submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your younger selfWrite a letter to your younger self 2 years, 5 months ago

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    CONTEST ENTRY: You’re alright

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  • CONTEST ENTRY: Embracing Who I Am

    Dear Future Butterflies,

    The ones that are having a hard time fitting in with their peers. I see you guys sitting in your school gym listening to a speaker that doesn’t give you any encouragement for your future.

    Right now, I know many of you feel lost in a world that’s giving you confusing messages on who you are and who you should be. You’re made to believe that you’re supposed to be tough all the time or be a bully & terrorize other kids, but, that’s not who you are deep inside your heart.

    The school world probably isn’t helping bring out those characteristics about yourself that make you ”you”. Nor are your loved ones (bless their hearts). They’ve already picked certain students who they believe will be future stars and left ones like you behind because they see no value in you.

    You want to cry and take your anger out on those who mistreat you, but, you’re afraid, that you don’t have the strength to defend yourself. You have more power inside than you think. You just haven’t been allowed to see it yet. A long adventure awaits you.

    I was like many of you for a long time. I had a hard time showing the qualities that made me feel alive -  because the environment I was around didn’t allow them to grow into healthy flowers. I grew up in a small town in North Carolina for the first fifteen years of my life. I would discover my love for History and Reading there.

    A lot of kids I knew, didn’t share the same love that I had for those two things, so, it was impossible to make friends because the boys I knew were into making fun of others, fighting, and establishing dominance over others.

    Those things never interested me so I became a target of their cruel games. They enjoy bullying me and making me feel low whenever they had the chance. Enough bullying had happened that they got their wish. My self-esteem was in the negatives. That bubbly kid died in middle school.

    I became quiet and only said the bare minimum just to get by without anyone picking on me. It would take years for me to finally rejoice and embrace the qualities of myself that are a part of me. It was a long journey into learning more about myself.

    While my peers had seemed like they had figured their life out and were doing great things, I remained behind just trying to make sure I don’t take the wrong path in life for most of my 20s.

    The amazing part is I would start coming across people online & offline in my 20s that would help me find the path where I’m on today. Now at 32, my self-esteem is in a better place than it’s ever been. I can’t wait to see my progress in five years.

    I share my love for history out in the open. I also would discover this amazing gift called writing -  thanks to a close friend I met on a social media site that I remain close with to this day.

    If someone from the future told me that my life would change 20 years ago, I wouldn’t believe them– because of the mental state I was in at the time.

    Like me, you’ll discover people who will bring those amazing qualities you have out of you and made you feel safe being who you are.

    I wish I could tell you that your journey would be easy, it may be a tough one for you. Rejoice though, you’re gonna make it. Just trust the process, even when it gets painful (which is a hard challenge).

    You’ll do a lot of inner work on yourself, a lot of it will be uncomfortable. You’ll read articles that talk will make you feel bad about yourself. You’ll even have a lot of self-loathing moments.

    You’ll even be mad at yourself for not having the courage to stand up for yourself when you were younger. All of the hardship & pain you’ll go through is to produce a strong human being.

    So, I hope this message empowers you, you’re journey is just beginning and I hope to see you on the other side someday.
    I wish you all much success,

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  • matthewtorrespoetry submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your younger selfWrite a letter to your younger self 2 years, 5 months ago

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  • claireanuttall submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your younger selfWrite a letter to your younger self 2 years, 5 months ago

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    CONTEST ENTRY: A Game of Snake

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  • asiah_jo submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your younger selfWrite a letter to your younger self 2 years, 5 months ago

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    CONTEST ENTRY: Costs of Pursuing The Appearance Ideal

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