
marybethparshallgmail-com's Letters


I am strong, both because of & in spite of my disability.

To whom it may concern,

To an outsider’s perspective, my strength may not seem obvious. As a person with a disability, I am not what the world often shows as its example of strength. I am quite strong, however. What I may often lack in physical strength is more than made up for in less visible types of strength.

At fourteen, I was diagnosed as h…read more

You will be okay.

Dear Me (the little version),

You will be okay. I want to warn you about so much to come, but I want you to know first that you [we] will be okay. You will live the first two – almost three – decades of your life for everyone else, instead of for yourself. You will be told to speak when spoken to. You will learn that children are meant to be seen…

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MaryBeth Parshall

You will be okay.

Dear Me (the little version),

You will be okay. I want to warn you about so much to come, but I want you to know first that you [we] will be okay. You will live the first two – almost three – decades of your life for everyone else, instead of for yourself. You will be told to speak when spoken to. You will learn that children are meant to be seen…read more

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