

  • My sincere gratitude to you for creating this platform. I am very thankful for the opportunity to inspire. I was ten years of age when that happened to me. I was informed it was Rheumatoid arthritis. I don’t really think the doctors were ever really sure. That next year over I played sports until being cut my senior year after receiving multiple scholarships. Still not aware of the vendetta there. I’m still on the journey and I’m very grateful for it all. Thank you so much for appreciating my talent, really means a lot Lauren. 🥹🥰

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  • Marli’s Journey

    There once was a girl who played with bees, she would run, play in dirt, even climbed trees. She would catch lighting bugs in the summer breeze. Then one day she couldn’t move, She didn’t know what else to do. The doctors told her she couldn’t walk, she cried so much she couldn’t talk. Then one day she felt the need, to take a step and test her speed. The doctor threw her a ball, she took a step and didn’t fall. They never knew what made her ill but through music and sports she found her will. She would sing in church or so, they loved her voice it made them glow. In church she loved taking trips, This girl was so equipped, then no more church, no scholarships. Rivers full of tears but she couldn’t quit. She started to work she thought that was it. Life had started to bring her down, everything she wanted couldn’t be found. Her smile would fade she embraced the frown. She felt like such a clown. Then she began to drive big trucks, she thought maybe one day this will be enough but even there she had it tuff. That career made her ruff. She again tried to explore, always seeking and thriving for more. She would always read and loved to write, would never give up, she would always fight. She would endure so much more, it even started to rotten her core, a beauty without allure, was almost losing the war. Then one day she refused, to be bitter or abused. She accepted all things, enjoying life and what it brings. Regaining her fire, loving her desires, healing herself gave her back her power. As she builds, she feels, something about her is so real. Now I can say that I am free, to inspire people like you and me.

    Marlissa Coleman

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    Voting ends June 17, 2024 11:59pm

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    • MARLISSA!!!!!!!! Oh My goodness! This is incredible. I love the story. I love how you wrote it. I love the rhymes. This is a brilliant masterpiece. And I admire your resilience. Did they ever find out why you couldn’t walk for a moment? That’s crazy. This piece is amazing. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed…read more

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      • My sincere gratitude to you for creating this platform. I am very thankful for the opportunity to inspire. I was ten years of age when that happened to me. I was informed it was Rheumatoid arthritis. I don’t really think the doctors were ever really sure. That next year over I played sports until being cut my senior year after receiving multiple s…read more

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