
mariah_murphy's Letters

Hello... It's Me

You didn’t know this back then or maybe you did but you might have anxiety or depression or both at once.
1) Don’t be afraid of it, Take control of it
2) Don’t let it define who you are as a person, or it’ll eventually be the definition of who you are to peers and yourself
3) Don’t let it stop you from doing all the things you want to accomplis…read more

I Change The World...

I change the world…

One prayer at a time
-Praying for and praying with others is like a peaceful wave of serenity washing over me
One laugh at a time
-Makes someone’s worst day turn into the best day of their life
One smile at a time
-Can show how much love is in someone’s heart even though you don’t know them
One hug at a time
-C…read more

Voting ends on July 31, 2024 12:00am

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