  • maggiefaye submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about what you are grateful for in your lifeWrite a poem about what you are grateful for in your life 7 months, 4 weeks ago

    I am grateful for blue skies

    I’m grateful for blue skies, warm sunshine, and a breeze that kisses the nose.
    I’m grateful for green grasses and rushing creeks and bare feet.
    I’m grateful for friends and lovers that grab you by the hand and dance with you.
    I’m grateful for their consistent reminders, “You’re safe here. I love you.”
    I’m grateful for the forehead kisses my love gives me,
    And that he bends down to let me kiss his forehead right back.
    I’m grateful for the safety of my home, and I’m grateful for a newcomer’s compliments,
    “It looks like a gallery in here!” Thank you, the art is my favorite, too.
    I’m grateful, especially, for the rabbit posed in play, a floppy handstand,
    That’s been in our home longer than my memories. It’s one of my first ones.
    I’m grateful for the way the sun shines into my mother’s bedroom just before sunset in spring.
    It bathes the house in gold and it’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.
    I’m grateful for the drums that echo in my chest at the concert in Alpharetta,
    And the music that reverberates in my bones. I’m grateful to have a body that feels the music.
    It’s exhilarating and soothing, an ecstasy I don’t need to swallow.
    I’m grateful for cats with soft fur and who love love love ear scratches.
    I’m grateful to my body and my brain for giving me the gift of sensation.
    Even when it’s too much, or not enough, I’m grateful to be present to feel.

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    • Aww this is beautiful. It sounds like you have a very kind and affectionate partner. You are so very lucky for that. You really have a wonderful ability to recognize and appreciate what really matters in life. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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