lunchboxmoxx's Letters

The Siren’s Song

Tell me all your secrets and you will be set free
Listen to my mournful song of the siren sea
For it is not those who have been lost, but those who have been found
Hear my voice and you will find a solace in its sound

I promise you a lifetime of treasure and opulence
Fear me not, for I see the future and hence –
Your time has come to be the king…read more


Loneliness slithers in
Like an unsuspecting snake
Coiled around my neck
Struggling to breathe
With nobody around
To save me
In a crowded room
I feel so alone
Everyone has someone
But no one has got me
Each night I come closer
To a planned death
Because loneliness kills
I don’t belong anywhere
I’m not needed nor wanted
So why even bother
I’ll drift…read more


When the world goes to sleep
And I am left awake
With my lonely thoughts
And subtle, soft heartbreak
I can only breathe
And readjust myself
To the passing of time
A picture on a shelf
Non sum qualis eram
Maybe something more
Who I left behind
Is running out the door
Nothing lasts forever
A former life was I
Not solid on the ground
Nor between the…read more

Write a letter or poem to yourself about what you love about this chapter of your life


I am not a lazy girl
So I’m working on me
This person that I can be
Is much better than before
I feel like a winner
Because I try and try
To let life not pass me by
I am always wanting more

I am wanting happiness
I admit when I am wrong
And I know it won’t be long
Until I am filled with glee
I live an honest life
Filled with love and hope
I kno…read more

The Traveler

Where have you been?
My time traveling friend
You’re here in the present again

You were stuck in the past
Confused and aghast
Back then and forever in when

You are never here
Through these months and years
When is it that you go?

Sometimes it’s a loss
But my hope I won’t toss
From spring blooms to the fallen snow

But if truth should be told…read more

Write a poem about what you are grateful for in your life

A Second Chance

In the morning, I kneel and pray
Thankful for another day
To be alive and wonder aloud
Because today I can be proud

A selfish thing once was I
Drinking and using, living a lie
Now I am free from burden and strife
I’m grateful that I can live my life

I’m grateful for another chance
To exist in this world, to steal a glance
At what my future cou…read more

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