  • Gerald Washington shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 1 years, 11 months ago

    Little Children Of Uvalde

    You probably didn’t expect your lives to end so soon, or be talked about on the news and the internet. You all were learning at school and playing with your classmates. You were sons and daughters to parents, who were excited to see how your young lives would turn in the future. Sadly, your story ended two days ago. You join the numbers of other kids & adults who had their lives cut short because of terrible timing one day. I first heard of the tragic news from my dad, but, I didn’t know what he was speaking about until I found out about the news on Twitter. I’m still in disbelief about the whole situation. Why would the shooter want to kill young children & teachers? I hate to hear these kinds of reports. It would be great if we never had anything like this happen. This tragedy is going to be felt…forever, especially by the families/friends of the children & teachers who were killed. I don’t want to believe that these cruel acts can happen in this world. But, sadly they do. If only there were a remedy for it to never happen again, that would be great.

    Gerald Washington

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    • Dear Gerald,
      My heart is very heavy like yours. I want to cry in a pillow. Why are there so many angry people in the world? I don’t understand. How do parents not see the disfunction of their own children. I wish there was something I could do. I am glad we are here to support each other. That is very important that we continue to talk about our feelings. Maybe keeping the conversation going will keep a light on the topic . We must never forget these events. We must keep the memory of those we lost alive in our hearts so their death was not in vain. Please join me in solidarity as we continue the conversation, hold the memory of those lost close to our being and try to live a good life to honor the memory of those whose light has been dimmed but never gone.

      Here for you,

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      • Hi Shelley
        I hear you. It’s frustrating hearing about this unnecessary violence. That’s a good question. There are a lot of angry people in the world, and that anger is being expressed in hurtful ways. It seems like some parents don’t want to see their children’s dysfunction until it’s too late. I wish there was something I could do too. Sometimes, I feel powerless and like I’m just a watcher of terrible things happening all around us. But then, reading your touching reply tells me that we are doing something about it. I’m glad we are here to support each other too. The warmth and support here is amazing. These events will never be forgotten as long as we remember and share them with others in the future. I’m with you on continuing the conversation and holding the memory of those we’ve lost and honoring them by being the best person we can be.


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    • I pray dearly for those parents who literally dropped their children off at school not knowing that it was going to be their last day seeing them. I pray that the parents who had to get those phone calls about their children and the heartbreak that they must’ve been feeling. I give sympathy for anyone that had to mourn and be reminded of past shootings. I hope we can get a change on gun laws and create more control. It’s sad that we still haven’t created a way to have control in guns. I hope that they can fix all that is going on and form more control in a system that they created. If they can’t find control then they should just ban guns in general. We do not need another way of harm to use against one another. I hope that those parents know that even though they may not see their child again on earth that they will see them again in heaven.

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      • I’m with you on those prayers. They’re necessary after what has been happening with these various shootings. I pray for healing for the parents, the kids who were there at that school, and everyone who’s been affected by that shooting, the Buffalo shooting, and others that we may not know about. It’s gonna be tough to get through that pain for a while, but, hopefully, it can be done. I hope they fix the gun problem too in a way that can prevent events like this from happening. If not, maybe banning guns is the answer if these problems persist. I hope that the parents can see their children in their dreams, in the meantime, until they can see them again in heaven. Like yourself, I also sympathize with those that lost someone they knew because of these shootings. Like Shelley, I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this.

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        • Dear Gerald and Kayjah,
          Thank you for your insight and thoughtfulness. You both are very compassionate people who feel deeply. I don’t know what the answer is but I am very sure we can do better in some capacity. We cannot just let those in power try to convince us that any restrictions would take away our right to bear arms. Our politicians must find a compromise that everyone can live with. I think we at The Unsealed should try to bring more people into the conversation and create a really strong voice for all the world to hear. As the singer “ Sheryl Crow says, “I Shall Believe” that we as americans will figure this serious, challenging life threatening problem out. I too pray that our schools,places of worship malls and homes will once again become beacon of security, safety and the highest level if sweet happiness.

          Best regards,

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          • Dear Shelley,
            Thank you for your kind words and insight. You’re very compassionate too just by your words and hearing you speak in several Unsealed conversations. You give a good answer not letting those in power use that power in a negative way. I agree with bringing more people into the conversation to create a stronger voice for the world to hear. I believe we’re on that path to making that happen. I like that quote by Sheryl Crow. I believe that we’ll get through these troubled times ad things will get better. What you said about feeling like you’re the only one dealing with insecurity and having low confidence during our school years, in the last Unsealed conversation was incredible and so true. Those words were a great reminder to us that do feel like we’re alone in our confidence struggles when we’re younger (or right now).

            Best wishes,

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    • This still saddens me. No child should have to go through such a horrible experience. My heart goes out to everyone who was affected by this. My god be with everyone and heal their hearts. Gosh words can’t even express how this makes me feel.

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      • I agree. No child should experience something traumatic like a school shooting. It saddens me that those children had their young lives cut short. Like yourself, my heart goes out to everyone that was affected by this tragedy and the other school shootings.

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