  • lostone89 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What is your ”perfect day?”What is your ”perfect day?” 2 months, 1 weeks ago

    A Perfect G.W Day

    Another day rises from the ground
    But with a different flavor to it
    A day of traveling and clearing the cluttered mind
    And also creating a wonderful time

    Let the special day start with eating some delicious breakfast
    Food that speaks to my soul
    That makes me feel whole
    And inspires me to conquer the road

    When the road and I meet
    Some of my favorite songs and I greet
    Like it’s the first time
    We’re getting to know each other’s mind
    As I unwind during this special time

    While jamming and cruising on an unknown highway
    Various historical statues and beautiful land catch my eye
    Giving me a positive high
    That I don’t want to end
    But continue to ascend

    And embrace this rare feeling
    A beautiful beach awaits me
    And hypnotizes my eyes
    With its waves

    It waves at me and says ‘’come on in’’
    But, before I take my first jump
    I just want to stare at its beauty
    And take a million pictures of it

    Then I charge to the calming water
    Like a soldier ready to do battle
    But only remain in the safety zone
    While watching others enjoy themselves

    The perfect ending to a perfect day
    It would be great to have another perfect day tomorrow
    If only this could become a reality.
    For now, wishing and dreaming about it will surface


    Gerald Washington

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