  • lostone89 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 4 months ago

    Loving Yourself Is A Must

    Dear Gerald,

    Loving yourself
    is like putting a warm blanket
    to shield me from the brutal cold
    that’s eager to enter my place
    and take over my space

    but my increased self-love
    from above
    inside my mind
    reminds me
    to protect the warmth
    I have inside my vessel
    and keep my heart alive
    from those who wish harm and hate
    to crush my mental state
    and conquer me

    like a conqueror wanting new land
    to bring his/her band
    to rule in sinister ways
    and cause darker days
    for the conquered

    is a must for us all
    to stand tall
    in the face of adversity 
    that will persist to threaten our peace
    and try to cease
    the love 
    that we worked hard to keep
    for ourselves 
    and show others the way
    to love themselves all-day

    self-love is a non-stop process
    that we must maintain to have success
    in loving ourselves 
     On your self-love journey
    I wish you well
    so that you can have a self-love story to tell

    Gerald Washington

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    • You’re absolutely right; love IS a non-stop process. It’s so easy to get lost in goals and forget that self-love is like eating or breathing. I love the literary devices you used and you have such a strong and unique flow. I really love this piece 🙂

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      • Most definitely, it’s very easy to lose sight of self-love. I love the self-love comparison you made to eating or breathing. And thank you very much, I appreciate your kind words. 🙂

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    • I love how you started this piece. The imagery was so clear and it is such a good analogy. I love everything about this piece, as it has so many important and accurate messages for people. It is also very thoughtful. As always, thank you for sharing, and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you, Lauren. I’m happy that you loved everything about this piece. It was a thrill to write. And once again, thank you for the opportunity to share and be a part of The Unsealed family. <3 Gerald

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