

  • Just Breathe

    Warrior, you have been battling for 913 days
    Radiation, surgeries, chemo times two
    Just breathe
    Mama, you persevere through the tired and the pain
    Your girls admire your strength and grit
    Just Breathe
    Daughter, your family, chosen and blood, surround you with their love
    Although it is difficult to watch them experience this madness along with you,
    Just Breathe
    Lisa, your faith is strong and this battle has been too long
    Yet wake each day and smile
    your positivity is contagious and your courage is that of a true warrior
    Just Breathe

    Lisa M Jacob

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    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Lisa, your strength and courage inspire us all. Your family stands by you, admiring your resilience. Keep smiling, keep breathing. You are a true warrior.

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    • Lisa, You are a fighter! And have every reason and more to love yourself and be proud of yourself. You are an inspiration to so many including me. We are praying for you and rooting for you and wishing you only good things for your future. Thank you for sharing your story and being a part of our family. <3 Lauren

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