
latashatc's Letters

Reflection of Self

Reflection Of Self
When I look in the mirror and see the reflection looking back at me.
I see a beautiful queen.
That’s on the inside and outside of me.
If you understand what I mean.
I’m uniquely and wonderfully made.
Hot giving a fuck if people throw shade.
Loving all of myself inside and out.
Even throughout my life I’ve had moments.
I’ve…read more

I am Grateful

I am Grateful

I am grateful for the sight to see.
I am grateful for the life inside of me.
I am grateful for the heavens and the sea.
I am grateful for the ground in walk on beneath my feet.
I am grateful for all the birds and the trees.
I am grateful for the unconditional love that God gives me.
I am grateful for the fact that I can breathe.

I…read more

The Ideal Me

The Ideal Me

What is the version of my ideal self?
Let me think about it.
So, I can see clearly.
I am free of drama and negativity.
I am totally free of toxicity.
The negative opinions of others don’t bother me.
It’s clear to those that are near me.
I am full of positivity.

Living my best life on this Earthly journey.
Knowing I am on that lov…read more

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