  • kpolanco94 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to someone who inspired youWrite a letter to someone who inspired you 1 years, 11 months ago

    Dear Mom,

    Dear mom,
    I get it now. I understand the pain.
    The regret before the regret. The desire for self-mastery.
    But the failure of achievement creeps in like the sleepless nights you
    encountered. The self-loathing in the shower. How tired were you? Truly. When Sis and I would fight over remotes while the kitchen
    stove burned hot. How your bones must’ve
    ached. Where did you find the patience? If so,
    can I go to this place? Can you continue to
    hold my hand through this? One day
    we will all be ash. Somehow oblivion doesn’t
    seem so scary looking through your eyes. The
    eyes of a hero. My wolf queen. The creator of
    us. Your power shines through our voices like
    the howl of the moon. I love you. Thank you. I
    get it now. The pain in your womb, the
    emptiness that lies ahead when we walk our
    separate paths, and I trip. You weren’t there to
    catch me, and I can hear the fear in your voice.
    I hear the echo of your worry ringing in me
    when I close my eyes. I worry now too. When she leaves my
    sight, even for a split second. I feel the emptiness. The loss of other parents. I feel their sorrow in every heartbeat until I see her again. This world is gross, mommy. You
    showed me what it is to love purely. I call it
    luck. I’ve seen the unfortunate events that
    come with love. Love is pain. There’s beauty in
    that. For you, I write. I print these letters with
    the blood that came from my birth. With every breath,
    these veins pulse with excitement to share the
    truth. Your truth. What lies beneath the
    umbilical whip of life. The nutrients of your
    teachings. I carry them with me like a suitcase.
    “Can’t leave home without it!” I always say.
    Appreciate me. Know me. Love me. Take me
    with you for protection, and I will be your pepper
    spray. I will be the x on your map to treasures
    unknown. I mark you 3×3 because I am you, and
    you are me. We are we. Toes and hands alike.
    Warriors against the ink that says we aren’t
    worthy. We are not men. We are weak, they say. You
    sure showed them! You are a legion of men.
    Your strength carries me through every blink,
    every inhale. Where did you find it? Where did
    you get it? Is this another realm I do not know?
    Can we visit it together? If there’s a road less
    traveled, take me. Hold my hand as I hold
    hers. Will I ever be able to fill your fuzzy socks? I aim to earn your title and wear it like a suit of armor. I hope to be the Matriarch you are to our clan. My dearest teacher, how can I part with you on this journey to your destination? In the end, we’ll all hold the batons. Dear mom. I get it now, I think.

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