  • katiecetta submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your ideal selfWrite a letter to your ideal self 6 months, 3 weeks ago

    Forgiveness is My Cure

    Beloved Ideal Self,

    As I write this, I find myself in the midst of my chemotherapy treatments. It’s the fifth one out of a total of eighteen. Sitting here in seat eleven, with its lucky view of the beautiful Burbank mountains, I can’t help but think of you. I envision you as someone who is healed, happy, and radiantly beautiful. You possess a deep wisdom that I have yet to discover. The kind of wisdom earned by a warrior.

    There are still thirteen more infusion treatments to undergo, along with two major surgeries and radiation treatments, before I can reach the point where I become a cancer-free survivor like you. As a Stage 3 Triple Negative Breast Cancer patient, the distance between us feels vast. However, these past ten weeks of living with cancer have taught me a profound lesson in forgiveness. A lesson I wouldn’t trade for anything.

    None of us are guaranteed a long and healthy life, and yet we often take it for granted. For so long, I held onto anger towards the people I love. Now, I understand that our purpose on this earth is simply to love and forgive one another. And so, I have forgiven them all – those who have caused us pain. I have even forgiven myself for the actions I took to survive. I now realize that it was these burdens that gave rise to this cancer. I have released them all, not just for my own healing, but also so that one day, I can become you. So that you never have to go through this again.

    From this vantage point on the fourth floor infusion center, I can see a greater perspective. I see the struggles and pain that each person, even those who have hurt me, go through. It fills me with compassion and empathy. I send them love from here and believe that our world needs more care and understanding for each other’s pain. We place unrealistic standards upon ourselves and others, which can never truly be met.

    I can see you now. You are wise, strong and beautiful. You help other people find their way toward forgiveness. You help them find the way to put their burdens down. You show them how beautiful forgiveness is so they can feel the peace it brings wash over them without having to pay in suffering.

    In my journey towards becoming you, I have learned the importance of forgiveness and the power of love. I hold nothing but gratitude for the lessons cancer brought me. They were lessons I desperately needed to learn. I stand with my arms open wide, welcoming the lessons that have yet to come. I hope to continue growing closer to you, my Ideal Self, with each passing day.

    With all the love in the world,

    Katie C’etta

    Katie Cetta

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    • “I can see you now. You are wise, strong and beautiful. You help other people find their way toward forgiveness.”

      Katie, you are wise , strong and ultra beautiful now! Thank you for your vulnerability. I am wishing you nothing but the best in wellness, recovery, life, love and hope. You are a warrior. Even on days the tears stain the sheets and the pain is unbearable. You are a warrior with a smile or none because I see the inside of your soul in this letter. Keep soaring.
      And I want you to always know its okay to not be ok and close out the world when you want to.
      Sending so so much love light and kickass mercy!!
      Praying for you now and always!!

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    • Katie, This piece is so powerful and so inspiring. I hope you are feeling better and you are almost done with chemo. Forgiveness, and letting go of things and people that hurt you is peaceful. I know you will become your ideal self, and, as you are right now, you will continue to inspire so many people and add so much love to the world. Thank you for sharing this inspiring piece. And thank you for being part of The Unsealed. I hope you are feeling well. Happy Holidays. <3 Lauren

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