  • jsapril submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about what you are grateful for in your lifeWrite a poem about what you are grateful for in your life 5 months ago

    Why He Chose Me?

    What am I grateful for?
    Often I feel shameful for not feeling more grateful for my disability
    I am grateful to the Higher Power
    For instilling the motivation and strength
    Recognizing how I can use my disability
    Sometimes I make myself feel dizzy
    Trying to figure out why me
    he chose to be looked at differently
    I never think I will fully love my disability
    Because I do wish my disability wasn’t something you can see
    But when I look at my life now
    I am trying to see something new
    The good in why he chose me
    Being one of the people whose disability you can see
    So you see
    There is a responsibility
    To encourage others to see
    We all have a “disability”
    I don’t want self-pity
    I just want people to understand that
    “Your disability” just maybe
    Your greatest ability
    Thank you higher power
    And everyone that supports me!

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    • “There is a responsibility
      To encourage others to see
      We all have a “disability””


      With these words, you’ve captured exactly how I’ve come to feel about my own [invisible] disabilities.

      I feel the need to both thank and congratulate you, for putting words to the feeling—something I’ve long struggled to do.

      Happy New Year pal 🙂

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      • Aiša, this response LITERALLY makes me TEAR UP!!! I am glad with these words, “There is a responsibility
        To encourage others to see
        We all have a “disability” captured what you were feeling!! YOUR WORDS CAPTURED what I NEEDED to hear about this piece and for MYSELF!! A SENTENCE goes a LONG WAY!! Keep BEING YOU!!

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    • Jake!!!!! This piece is fantastic! Your best piece yet. Embrace yourself. You inspire so many. You are thoughtful and have such a wonderful spirit. You are perfect the way you are! Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our family <3 Lauren

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    • AND ESPECIALLY using YOUR WORDS!!! YOU TRULY HAVE A GIFT!! I am HUMBLED AND HONORED to be a PAL of YOURS! I took a screenshot of your response, so it’s there for me not just when I NEED IT, BUT TO START MY DAY!! This is MY COFFEE!!!

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      • Thank YOU for the kind words!! I certainly appreciate them and appreciate YOU!! Thanks for being a fan!!



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    • Your words show that you are strong minded ,wise beyond your years and determined to succeed. I know you will!


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