  • Jake shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 5 months, 1 weeks ago

    Learning To Recycle

    Loving yourself is not easy
    Thinking about it makes me dizzy.
    My head spirals like the wind
    I think about what could have been
    Would my love for myself be different if I had not let society’s opinion take me on this tailspin?
    I wish I were a dog
    Not remembering their last internal sin.
    Giving myself love should not be difficult
    But my happiness does not come from within!
    Relying on others for my happiness will never allow me to feel that “win”
    All it does is cause me to throw my accomplishments into the trash bin
    However, it’s never too late to recycle
    Recognizing where I have been.
    Self-love is hard
    But life is like a sport
    Always giving you a chance to get that comeback win
    Before I throw my accomplishments in the bin
    Not remembering where I have been
    I certainly will remember this poem and its satisfaction.
    I love myself because I know I can win!

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    • Jake, your poem reflects the internal struggle of finding self-love and happiness. The metaphorical references and vivid imagery paint a powerful picture of your journey. Remember that self-love is a process, and it’s never too late to start embracing yourself. Your determination to overcome obstacles and find that “comeback win” is inspiring. Keep believing in yourself, and know that you are capable of achieving greatness.

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