  • jpck918 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What is your ”perfect day?”What is your ”perfect day?” 2 months ago

    Perfect Isn’t Real

    What is a perfect day? Well, in all honesty, there’s no such thing. I could sit here and think about all the things that make life seem perfect. I’d rather not. That would make way for my mind to validate why other days aren’t “perfect”. Life is life. There’s no way around it.

    Perfect is undefinable, an opinion. An opinion I’m learning to stay away from after chasing it for most of my life. I’ve learned trying to be perfect and looking for perfection is a downhill spiral. I will never be truly happy in search of this. I’ve tried to be perfect in academics and sports, yet I’ve always been extremley hard on myself when I mess up. I’ve tried finding the perfect significant other, yet look for every reason why they aren’t. I’ve tried to be perfect at my job, yet feel guilt when I can’t do everything the exact way I want it to. The list goes on.

    But guess what? I am human! Humans aren’t meant to be perfect. We are meant to fail and learn. We are meant to get embarrassed and be humbled. We are meant for rejection and leaning into introspection. Humans are meant to make a fool of themselves and change into the person they want to become. Nobody gets out of here perfect, and if someone acts as if they do, they’ve lost touch with reality.

    I’m learning to be grateful for the small things. I’m learning to have hope when I feel like giving up. I’m learning life isn’t all or nothing. I’m learning giving my best is going to different at times and that’s okay. I don’t need to wait until I feel things are perfect to take action. I take action, giving it my best effort that day, and there’s nothing more I can do.

    To be honest, I still feel I’m trying to find the perfect sentences, the perfect thoughts, to produce the perfect writing piece. But hey, I’m a human and still on my learning journey. Embracing truth within myself and the world and learning to be real is my new defined definition of what I thought I was searching for in perfection.

    Jane P

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    • Salutations,
      Personally, I agree with your viewpoint. Perfection is a fickle thing, outruns everyone. Your emphasis on authenticity and resilience is an appreciated reminder. A gorgeous reflective piece, bravo!

      Write me back 

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