
josiepruitt7's Letters

Oh Dear Friend

Oh Dear Friend
I remember the days our tiny feet would hit the gravel driveway
Running until the sun would hit the horizon
Hands covered in dirt
From the mud fight in the backyard
Brow with sweat from the heat
The humidity from the Kentucky sun
I remember the days our giggle would echo from “our neck of the woods”
Where lightning bugs were alw…read more

Room MC104

A saxophone echos off the Music Department walls
Its timbre and tone strike the strings of my heart
That string, once made of steel, strongly wrapped around a core
Now crumble under the means of life
As I sit, I ponder how a new diagnosis can deplete my self-esteem
And how a single exam, can determine my future
But yet- my heart listens for that…read more

Try. Grow. Unfreeze.

Dear Josie,
It’s finally over, the dreaded year of 2022. Now you live in 2023, and I hope that this time around, It’ll be nicer to you. January of 2022 was the last time you were “Normal.” It was the last time you had confidence, love in your heart, and energy. I know you weren’t expecting to wake up that Wednesday with the most horrible fatigue…read more

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